Right after the attack I listened to two different generals on - TopicsExpress


Right after the attack I listened to two different generals on different Sunday talk shows give their expertise on what happened in Benghazi. According to each of the puppet generals for the White House, using the same exact talking points, said the military forces were not sent in to rescue the Ambassador because nothing could have been done anyway. Now we know that was a lie. These two generals should resign immediately for their cowardly statements. I don’t care if someone put them up to making these outrageous statements to cover the administration or just honestly believe what they said. This is not political to me. If this was a conservative administration, I would not change one word. Picture this- the President, his administration and Hillary Clinton were all watching the attack in their own special operation command centers while the attack was viewed via-satellite. We’ve all seen these special opts control rooms on TV. Are you telling me that while the attack lasted over 7 hours, that people just sat there watching while the riot was going and did absolutely nothing? Someone gave the military the order to “stand down” twice while all of them just sat and viewed these Americans being murdered on American soil. (Embassy) The two general’s expert explanation of why the military failed to send a rescue party was that it would have taken too long to commandeer the troops and organize an effective rescue in time even though we had troops on the ground. This is not acceptable to me or any other American for that matter. To my knowledge, it’s the first time in American history that a call for help was sent to the cavalry and they did nothing. They just sat there watching Americans being murdered right before their eyes. All we expected from the military was a valiant effort to save their lives. It’s not the point whether they would have been there in time or not, but at least to have attempted some type of rescue. I bet there wasn’t one Marine sitting in the control while they sat there watching this massacre that wasn’t angry as Hell. It’s in their genetics as in all military men and women to come to the aid of their own comrades. The parents and family members of the murdered men in Benghazi could sleep better at night just knowing that the military did something, anything other than just watching the massacre from a front row seat in their command centers. My beef right now is not only with Obama and his blind followers, but with the two enlightened generals who made the Sunday talk show rounds claiming that nothing could have been done in time anyway so no one is to blame. What I expected to hear from each of the generals was that they don’t know what actually happened and can’t accurately say until a full scale internal investigation is conducted. I expected to hear, that our military is the best in the world and if a terrorist group ever attempts an attack on any of our embassies, bases, or Americans abroad, that we will bring down heaven and earth to protect them, not that there was nothing we could do, oh well. I personally believe these generals are sending the wrong message to our enemies, that if you attack us, if it’s inconvenient and it takes longer than 7 hours to retaliate then we will do nothing. The two generals should resign and take up golf. I don’t want one of them commanding my family members into battle. If any of the three mentioned generals have a problem with me, contact me personally and we will meet man to man, but I know that won’t happen. It might take longer than 7 hours to arrange the meeting and it will be too much of an inconvenience. Yes, I’m still angry.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:26:19 +0000

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