*SATANS PRIME DIRECTIVE & STRATEGY: Matthew 16:18c! Lucifer Prince - TopicsExpress


*SATANS PRIME DIRECTIVE & STRATEGY: Matthew 16:18c! Lucifer Prince of Darkness has very detailed & specific plans. His prime directive is to maintain darkness, & his age old strategy is divide & conquer. With over 250 Christian denominations, his strategy has worked quite well. Much of todays denominational church is Powerless & helpless because of disunity & division along mainly doctrinal teaching lines. Darkness is being maintained by an almost endless parade of unspiritual, uninspired, religious men who are claiming to have Anointed Revelations, BUT are actually liars! Almighty God never Spoke to them or sent them! Our Lord Jesus Promised that: The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against His Church! His True Church Triumphant that is! This kind of disunity cannot be fixed in the Natural Realm! It is a Spiritual Realm problem. Men attempting to patch Humpty Dumpty back together again will all fail! Without God Almightys Intervention, these purely human attempts will be unsuccessful! Most of these denominations are cloaked in Satanic darkness. Example: one denomination invites another to a wine & cheese fellowship party ignoring the fact that the denomination holds to no drinking of wine! (Proverbs 20:1!) This matter is a Spirit-to-spirit conflict issue & has no real Natural Realm solutions. God MUST be asked for His Wisdom (James 1:5!) & permitted to intervene Himself thru the Power & Anointing of His Holy Spirit. He Moves & Operates only in this Way (Zechariah 4:6b!). To God WILL be The Everlasting Glory! Hallelujah! Amen & AMEN! Maranatha! (*Also See Scripture Reference: Luke 10:19!)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:34:33 +0000

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