*SATANS WORSHIP DAY: Lucifer Prince of Darkness has a worship day - TopicsExpress


*SATANS WORSHIP DAY: Lucifer Prince of Darkness has a worship day on the calendar. The time has come for this day now to manifest again. HALLOWEEN! Forget what Wikipedia says about this day! Disney had it right in Fantasia! Satans worship day is not found in the Bible by name, BUT neither are the words Trinity or Rapture! The one thing that Halloween is most associated with is witchcraft & that word is in the Bible! The Holy Scriptures state that: ...Rebellion is as the Sin of Witchcraft in 1 Samuel 15:23a KJV! Thats right, so throw out your Harry Potter books - hes a warlock - a male witch or wizard & is destined for the Lake of Fire that burns with Brimstone(Sulphur)! This is how people glorify the devil & not by teaching Spiritual Warfare in the Church as some critics expound foolishly! Satans followers have cute names like wiccans. In fact, wiccans form covens & practice what they call craft from these two words wicca & craft we derive the word & name of witchcraft. However, its much worse than that because all magic whether black or white or blue or any other color of the rainbow is energized & powered in the Spiritual Realm by the spirit of witchcraft - the power arm of Satans kingdom of darkness! Thats the power source behind all forms of magic, witchcraft, occult practices, fortune telling, mediums & all signs, wonders, & miracles that deceive & mislead men into ever deepening darkness, sin & open rebellion against God. So DO NOT pet this snake, My Dear Saints, IT HAS VENOMOUS FANGS OF DEADLY POISON!!! The devils primary objective with all of this display of illegitimate power is to receive & be worshipped as God(which he IS NOT!). DONT FALL INTO THIS TRAP!!! Unsuspecting unspiritual people fall very quickly into this snare & are trapped into Satanic practices very easily - one thing leading into another as a spiders web of interconnecting wickedness! Thats why witchcraft is so popular today & is making a noticeable comeback in this world thru Harry Potter stories & movies & Goosebumps books just to name a few sources! People think this stuff is so cute & women introduce their innocent young children to it being totally unaware of the mortal danger they are putting them in! SO BEWARE!!! Mans fallen nature is drawn to this kind of power quite readily! Halloween is also associated with the death & the dead! According to Jesus scathing denunciation & warning in John 8:44, Satan is the murderer of mankind(he brought death to man from the beginning)! He is behind all sickness & diseases afflicting mankind - NOT GOD!!! God is Our Healer! To sum this all up, My Dear Saints, shun Halloween & in so doing you will be Glorifying God & not the devil! To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Maranatha!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 10:59:32 +0000

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