> SCIENCE CORNER TODAY ARE WE ALONE ARE WE ALONE ? AND WHO MADE US ? QUESTIONS: THE GULLABLE HUMANS ARE STILL ENARMOURED IN THEIR COCOON OF BIBLICAL MALAISE OF IGNORANCE. Aliens are already here on earth among us, they have always been here, they made us, not a mythical god that made the universe in seven days: This and other such stories are biblical good ancient reading, and its a humongous shame that at this stage of our scientific development we are been fooled by fools, the ignorant many, and our dear government who sees the writing on the walls of universal truth and cosmic acceptance, of the decline of their earthly power as the - the biggest and smartest boys on the block. These aliens or gods, or beings that has been around for billions of years before us, and hence has acquired god like abilities, ie invisibility, the abilities to manipulate matter, create life like us - for we, are one of their projects on earth, like many others hundred of millions such projects on the universes highways of stars, planets, and moons. Do you realize humans has embarked on some of these same scientific ventures, or are contemplating such terraforming of other planets like Mars, and the moon of Europa. We are attempting to do today in our own limited way what superior being of the universe has done and continue to do for ions - This to us, makes them Gods - Have you ever seem one of these superior being? Maybe you have and didnt realize it, because we will like to maintain a sense of dissonant amnesia. Remember - I saw a zombie - I think some one or some thing was or is standing there - Fearing all such manifestations we fall back on our human experts analysis -doctors, you are sick - youre hallucinating - the government experts - you didnt see anything - you saw swamp- gas - or a weather balloon - In short everyone knows you more than you, this can only be so because we want it to be so - we want to stay ignorant, we fear the unknown which really is not an unknown, because we know but we like to be bamboozled. I am not one of the willing few millions, I do believe that in the matters of cosmic spirituality we humans are privy to the same cosmic energies, and communicative vibrations that is available to everyone - only if you know how to listen to, and not only hear the earth hum of human conundrums. youtu.be/YE-GnnG5e-M
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:47:35 +0000

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