.SECRET SOCIETIES were/are designed to separate the Educated from - TopicsExpress


.SECRET SOCIETIES were/are designed to separate the Educated from the Indoctrinated. Sacred Knowledge in the hands of one who is Indoctrinated can be very dangerous....HUMANS Believe that Secret Societies are Evil....GODS KNOW that Secret Societies are NECESSARY.... Everything isnt for Everyone....we live in a world where many have Information, very few have KNOWLEDGE....Many BELIEVE Facts, ver...y few KNOW TRUTH.... The Illuminated Ones aka the Illuminati have KNOWLEDGE and KNOW TRUTH, while the masses have Information and BELIEVE Facts.....Facts can be altered, TRUTH is IMMUTABLE....Facts and Information come from HUMANS, Knowledge and Truth come from THE CREATOR.... Secret Societies are a MUST in a world where many people REFUSE to KNOW that they are GOD and CHOOSE instead to worship an External God.....When You KNOW that YOU Are GOD(Illumination) You Automatically become separated from Children of a Lesser God(HUMANS).... The Universe ALWAYS places us with our own kind....Like Attracts Like....Those that KNOW are Attracted to and Commune with each other to the Exclusion of those that BELIEVE, who are also attracted to and commune with each other....That is why the Wealthy keep company with others that are Wealthy and NOT those that are Poor....That is NATURAL LAW.... Every GOD that Descended from Heaven and came to Earth to mingle with HUMANS was Crucified....Think on that.... NATURAL LAW is VIBRATION....It is the very reason why the Wealthy do not assist the Poor....They both Vibrate at different Frequencies....The Universe NATURALLY Separates the Wealthy from the Poor, the Educated from the Indoctrinated....If a Wealthy GOD communes with Poor HUMANS, the Wealthy GOD will soon Fall from Grace....They will be Cast Out of Heaven and Down To Earth....In a short time they will become Poor themselves....Why?....Because their VIBRATION has Changed....Think on that... Hence the term often used by HUMANS when describing some as being Down To Earth.....There is a Distinct difference in being Grounded and being BALANCED....Parents often Ground(Punish) their children for being DISOBEDIENT...In other words....Being Down To Earth and Grounded is Punishment for Violating NATURAL LAW....To be Down To Earth means that You have come Down from Your Throne of Illumination(GODHOOD) to commune with HUMANS(Humility)....You FORGOT that YOU Are GOD and became a part of HUMANITY.... Being BALANCED is Being In The World But Not Of The World....Walking The Earth But With The Mind of GOD.... The Poor often criticize the Wealthy for not caring about them....GUILT is a tactic often used by HUMANS to attempt to attack GODS....This CLEARLY exhibits HUMAN Ignorance of NATURAL LAW and how IT operates.... The Black Community imparticular is GUILTY of this. Poor Blacks often attack Successful Blacks by accusing them of Selling Out and not Giving Back…What Poor Blacks REFUSE to REALIZE when they look at a Successful Black person is the Law of Attraction In Action...in other words…Because the Successful Black Person did NOT have the typical Victim Mentality that many Blacks have and instead CHOSE to have a Wealth Mentality the Universe placed them in the company of Wealthy Individuals who in many instances are NOT Black...The Wealth Minded Black and the Victim Minded Black are Vibrating on Different Frequencies....Thus the Wealth Minded Black ends up in the company of Illuminated Ones while the Poor Black remains in the Hood....The Wealth Minded Black is now a part of a Secret Society, the Poor Black remains a part of a Community...Like Attracts Like.... To Give Back is Casting Your Pearls Before Swine...supporting the Non-Productive...which is a Violation of NATURAL LAW, and the Wealthy GODS(Illuminated Ones) KNOW This.....To support the Non-Productive is to Bring Down Your Value, You Tarnish Your Brand...Many Blacks rather than build Successful lives and businesses themselves instead CHOOSE to expect Hand Outs from Successful Blacks and demand Reparations from the government...The Productive are NOT suppose to support the Non-Productive...It Violates NATURAL LAW...Many criticize the Wealthy and Powerful Illuminati rather than become Wealthy and Powerful themselves.... Secret Societies separate the KNOWERS from the Believers, the Victims from the Victors, the Masters from the Servants...more importantly....the Occult from Organized Distorted Doctrine(Religion).... GODS are a SECRET SOCIETY.... HUMANS are a Community.... THINK ON THIS....
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 23:05:06 +0000

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