*****SHADOWS FROM THE PAST***** EPISODE 24 The next morning - TopicsExpress


*****SHADOWS FROM THE PAST***** EPISODE 24 The next morning Raymond walked into the bedroom for the third time since he woke up to find Tina still lying on the bed. He ignored her as he walked towards his shoe closet, picked up an italian suede and sat down on a stood to put it on. “Sweet love.” Raymond said tapping her lightly. Tina opened her eyes. “Its morning already?” “Aren’t you going to work?” He asked. “Baby am weak.” Tina replied trying to sit up. Raymond scrutinised her for a few seconds. “You know how you can fix yourself a breakfast, don’t you? Am off.” Raymond said pecking her as he carried his briefcase and walked out of the room. Tina slept off the moment Raymond walked out only to be woken up two hours later by her ringing phone. It was a strange number. “Hello.” She said sitting up. “Tina?” The caller asked. “Yeah. And who is this?” Tina asked in return. “I’ll be with you shortly.” The caller said hanging up. Throwing her into further confusion and to say she couldn’t place the voice. Checking the number once again she discovered that it looked exactly the same way just like Raymond’s. The only difference was the last two digits, apart from that every other thing is the same. “Maybe its Atinuke.” Tina concluded as she got up even though she is still feeling weak and headed for the bathroom to wash her face. She came out a few minutes later looking model-ish with her black hair tied to a pony tail. She headed for the sitting room, did some little cleaning on the rarely used electronics and the quality leather chairs. She switched on the music player and the song that came to play was Drunk in love by Beyonce. She was humming to the song as she did the cleaning. Just then the doorbell rang. “Yes? Am coming” She said as she walked towards the door. She pushed the door open and saw Atinuke in her natural state (no make up) looking beautiful. “Good morning.” Atinuke greeted. “Good morning.” Tina replied. “Can I come in?” She asked. It was then Tina realised she was blocking the door way. She smiled as she stepped aside to let come inside. THIRTY MINUTES LATER The two ladies were gossipping about everything they could think of, fashion, music, cars, men, relationships to mention a few. “I thought you said you wanted to fix yourself a breakfast?” “Yeah.” Tina replied. “Lemme go and get dressed. So we’ll go shopping together.” Atinuke said as she slipped out of the kitchen. Tina started preparing what to eat. She had it in mind to make rice but so she doesn’t keep Atinuke waiting, she decided to make potato chips to go with fried egg. Just when she settled down to eat on the kitchen table the doorbell rang. “Yes? Am coming.” She said as she put on her flip flops and ran to the sitting room to open the door. “Good morning ma.” She stammered as she greeted Mrs Douglas. “Will you at least step aside?” Mrs Douglas said as she walked in rudely. Tina took the behaviour in good faith as she followed her mother in law to be. “So you are Raymond’s girlfriend?” She asked. “Y….ess Ma.” Tina replied stuttering. Mrs Douglas sat down on the three seater couch which was littered with a plate of Ice cream and nylon of pop corn consumed by Atinuke. “Don’t you think you should go get job?” Mrs Douglas asked. Tina knew where the conversation will lead to so she kept her calm. “You see my son Raymond is engaged to a beautiful lady. The daughter of the state’s deputy governor. So you stand no chance.” Mrs Douglas announced. Tina still kept quiet counting her fingers. “I’ll give you five million naira. Go and start something with it and leave my son to mingle with people of his class.” “But mum I love Raymond.” Tina said for the first time since the conversation began. “I know you do but you are a nobody. Imagine just because you got the opportunity to sleep here for a night you littered this expensive couch with the packs of this expensive ice cream.” Mrs Douglas said. Tina wanted to talk that it was her daughter who littered the couch but she decided against it. “I’ll be back here in the evening and I don’t expect to meet you. I’ll have the money wired to your account and don’t be suprised I knew you account number.” “I don’t need your money.” Tina replied sharply. “You’ll regret ever talking to me like that you slut.” Tina sat on the floor and let the tears flow freely. “Is it a crime to be poor. Everyone can’t be rich. My God.” she cried. And a few minutes later Atinuke came in to meet Tina in a heartbroken state. “Sister Tina am set.” she called. “Am not going anymore.” “I know this is the handiwork of mum and I’ve expressed my displeasure to her. Raymond will do something once he returns. So please lets go. –to be continued 7pm tonight–u aint seen anything,series of events that happens next will shock u to the marrow.DO U THINK TINA HAS A CHANCE WT RAYMOND WT MRS DOUGLAS TAKING NO SHIT,DO U FINK RAYMOND IS DOUBLEDATING AS INFERRED FRM HIS MUMS COMMENT? Y IS IT ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE RICH ND POWERFUL TO DATE D POOR,IS POVERTY A DISEASE? IF U WERE IN TINAS SHOE,WOULDU HAVE COLLECTED THE MONEY ND MAKE URSELF RICHER WITHOUT SWEAT?WHATS EVEN D GUARANTEE THAT RAYMOND WOULD LIKE TO MARRY HER?DO U SEE LOVE OR LUST?
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 07:50:32 +0000

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