(SIKH ADMIN)----TO SAY THAT ISLAM IS PEACEFUL IS THE BIGGEST BLASPHEMY OF ISLAM---- Notice that the narrative that Islam is a religion of peace was only put forward very recently in Islamic history; until the last century Muslims were very proud of their Islamic tradition of Jihadi violence & great successes with TERROR. Only recently with the collapse of Christianity in Europe & growth of humanity-centered spirit of enquiry in the western world, Islam has been forced to change their age old narrative & introduce a new slogan of Islam is a religion of peace to make Islam sound sweet & welcoming to infidels especially western countries. On the contrary, Muslim chroniclers in the medieval century used to record with much happiness & zeal on how the sword of Islam, put to death so and so many thousands infidels here & there, destroyed such & such temple and converted their temples/monasteries into mosque by thousands. Be it the Islamic invasion of India in the east or Islamic invasion in Turkey to the gates of Vienna, Muslims by and large were every proud & HONEST of victory of Islam with the sword. The Islamic murderers were given respectful Islamic titles such as ghazis. Infact Muslim scholars of that time wrote profusely thanking Allah for giving the Muslims an opportunity to slay infidels, loot their wealth, women & terrorizing the rest of them into the fold of Islam thus adding to the Islams glory by the force of sword & terror! But Today, Muslim scholars & apologists / media are trying hard to produce pseud-scholarly literature to show that Islam is a religion of peace, this claim is totally UNSUBSTANTIATED by Islamic texts of Quran, Hadith or Sira which are full of infidel hating verses & provocation for infidel slaughter. More than 60% of verses in Quran define the hateful & murderous relationship Muslims should have towards Infidels. Therefore to say that Islam is a religion of peace & Jihad is only defensive and Islam loves all humanity is a gross mis-interpretation of Islam and it counts as the most SERIOUS BLASPHEMY of Islam and because of this Islamic clerics/Mullahs should technically have passed a fatwa on these Muslim scholars these days who are trying to make Islam look peaceful & any less violent than it really is. Infact one Saudi Mullah actually did pass a fatwa on western Muslim Imams & scholars because of their attempts to modernize Islam by saying that Jihad is only a defensive measure and that Islam professes peaceful co-habitation with all other religions & equal rights for women in Islam. The Saudi Mullah was right in passing fatwa on these moderate Muslims because Islam is VERY CLEAR about its agenda & relationship with other religions. The only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam and believers of other religions must be slaughtered or be converted to Islam; let alone live peacefully with Muslims. Sounds evil ? Yes thats what Islam says for you and me. The only reason why Muslim scholars/Mullahs and devout Muslims allow this blasphemy of Islam by letting moderate Muslims & apologists present Islam in a less violent & infidel loving colours is because it serves the bigger purpose of spreading Islam in western countries via Cultural Jihad. It helps fooling the western infidels, while Muslims can grow in enough strength to prepare for Jihad & one day use our very freedoms to take away our freedoms. Thats when these moderate Muslims will watch the show of their devout Islamic brothers slaying the infidels to make way for Islamic domination. Once Islam takes over, these over zealous Muslim apologists & peaceful Muslims will be the first to be stoned to death or beheaded after a Mullah would have passed a fatwa on them for their earlier attempts to modernize Islam.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 06:59:12 +0000

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