#SIN THEORY 29 *****POWER ENCOUNTER****** God’s Grace - TopicsExpress


#SIN THEORY 29 *****POWER ENCOUNTER****** God’s Grace doesn’t pampers or condones sinful addiction IT BREAKS IT AWAY paaaa! Christianity is not a religion of weaklings Christians are not people struggling for everything Struggling to be healthy, struggling to avoid sin, and worst case scenario, STRUGGLING TO ENTER HEAVEN! NO ooooo! It’s not a life of failures and retrogressions It’s the REIGN of champions SONS OF GOD! And we are to reign on earth now! Not when we get to heaven Christians are not people on the battle front fighting for victory ****************** This phrase occurs so much in revelations (Rev 3:21 KJV) TO HIM THAT OVERCOMETH will I grant……. The question is ‘to him that overcomes what?’ You must remember that the whole of this book was a vision given to John Which must be interpreted in the light of What CHRIST has done! **************** It’s a revelation of the CHRIST and not the ANTICHRIST! (Rev 1:1 KJV) The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him,… So, we must focus on the right thing As believers, we must interpret the whole scriptures in the LIGHT of CHRIST alone There is no other secret to search for in the bible It’s Christ ALONE! So when you are looking through the bible, you must look at it in the light of CHRIST JESUS ALONE! (Joh 5:39 GNB) You study the Scriptures, because you think that in them you will find eternal life. And these very Scriptures speak about me! (Joh 5:40 GNB) Yet you are not willing to come to me in order to have life. **************** So you can see that Eternal life is not found in the bible IT’S FOUND IN CHRIST ALONE! So, the whole of Genesis to revelations talks about REDEMPTION Everything is pointing to the same ETERNAL SALVATION The coats of sin The offering of Abel The Ark of Noah The Offering of Abraham Not one thing is contradictory IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS And the same revelation says the same (Rev 19:10 KJV) And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See [thou do it] not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: FOR THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. So everyone was talking ABOUT JESUS! And the express revelation of what Christ has done is not found in the Old Testament, It’s found clearly in the post resurrection books (THE EPISTLES!) ***************** SO who is the man that overcometh the world? Is it the man that succeeded in moral perfection and self-righteousness? Is it just the bishops or the popes? Is it the people who were killed for their faith? Who is the overcomer? See the epistle of the same John now (1Jn 5:4 KJV) For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith. (1JN 5:5 KJV) WHO IS HE THAT OVERCOMETH THE WORLD, BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD GLORY! That clearly tells you that A BELIEVER is not the man that will be spilled out of Jesus or wateva That tells you that the believer is never the one that will suffer during the reign of anti-Christ (I don’t understand why Christians are bothering their head over any chip of Obama,) It’s a fact of the scripture that NOT ONE BELIEVER will be around during the reign of evil So just CHILL! What is your business with any 144,000 people? Why are you concerned if you will be part of any Jewish crew like that? BELIEVE THE WORD! YOU HAVE OVERCOME ALREADY! (1Jn 5:5 MSG) The person who wins out over the worlds ways is simply the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God. ****************** That also tells you that a Christian will NEVER be the one whose name is not found in the book of life! You ARE ALREADY SUPER VICTORIOUS in CHRIST! See how Paul puts it NOW! (Rom 8:37 GNB) No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! WAO, King James says ‘MORE THAN conquerors” A conqueror is man that goes to battle and fights valiantly and comes home with the Victory BUT we aren’t just conquerors now o We are actually Greater than a conqueror simply because WE GOT OUR OWN VICTORY WITHOUT FIGHTING FOR IT THE SAME victory many were struggling for, WAS GIVEN TO YOU ON A PLATTER OF GOLD! GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you are not born again in order to fight for victories You are BORN TO WALK IN VICTORIES It’s the Father that lays up Inheritance for his Children What Christ did for us is complete BRETHREN! Simply WALK IN IT ************* If u now ask me How do I walk in it How do I free myself from this sinful addiction? How do I manifest the power of God everywhere I go? How do I become a vibrant Christian? How do I live beyond fear, doubt, worry, lust, bad dreams and all others? The answer is simply by LOOKING UNTO JESUS And if you still ask me how? It’s by putting what Christ has done for you on your lips YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE! ******************* (Rev 12:11 GNB) They won the victory over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the truth which they proclaim…. WAO! So you are simply to stat proclaiming with your mouth What Jesus has done for you You must never be found mediating upon your sins and shortcomings or else, you will never be free You must never be found singing ‘cast me not away from thy presence oh Lord’ You must simply PUT WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE ON Your mouth every day! THAT MUST BE YOUR TESTIMONY (Rev 12:11 AMP) And they have overcome (conquered) him(The devil and all addictions) by means of the blood of the Lamb (which is) the utterance of their testimony, This is your daily task now Wake up everyday and shout ‘I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS’ IT’s VITAL if you want to walk in earthly victories over sins, and the enemy You shouldn’t be the one paying money to buy miracle handkerchiefs and Anointed water or oil YOU ARE COMPLETE IN CHRIST GLORY! **************** POWER IS YOURS NOW! You don’t need extra fasting and prayers to cast demons It’s simply, AT THE NAMEEEEEEEE OF JESUS! You don’t have to call the name of Jesus 7 times and Holy Ghost fire 14 times and the Thunder of God 21 TIMES just because you want to ask for common car that unbelievers have without praying at all QUIT UNBELIEF! WALK IN THE AUTHORITY! When you have a bad dream like you died or that BKH attacked your town Just WAKE UP and laugh! THAT IS NOT THETIME TO PRAY! IT’S THE TIME TO REIGN! Laugh and sleep back! GLORY!!!!!!!!!! You remember when the devil appear to Martin Luther in the night and threatened to kill him? You remember what He did? Come on, read “God’s Generals” He simply hissed, left the devil and his anger in the sitting and went inside his room to SLEEP! Hahahaahahahahaha GLORY!!! That is a believer! You don’t have to become an emergency prayer warrior in such a time like that If it’s our great Christians in Lagos today You will hear lots of FALL DOWN! CRACK DOWN! DESTROY!, DIE! COLLAPSE! Of course I love those guys, BUT PLEASE GROW UP! *************** Use your words Pattern your words after what Christ has done! Don’t wait for difficult times before you start START WALKING IN POWER NOW! Are we still treating ‘sin theory? Of course YES! The reason we have such boldness like this is because THEREEEE IS THEREFORE NOWWW NOOOOOOOOOO CONDEMNATION FOR US IN CHRIST! GLORY!!! Judas was a thief, yet he cast out demons How much, more YOU!!! Sanctified by the blood Perfected forever! Apple of God’s eyes Eternally Redeemed Sitted in Christ! FARRRR ABOVEEE ALL DEMONS! FARRRR ABOVE BAD DREAMS Kai! This is what is called” the GOOD FIGHT! Of faith It’s sweet to disgrace the works of satan o It’s such a fun and bliss to see the lame walk, the blind see, and the dead come to life again Hey, HEY, HEY am not talking about just Pastor Adeboye or pastor Kumuyi now AM TALKING ABOUT YOUUUUUU! You are the hope the world is waiting for WAKE UP!!! Shout this with me pls I am a man endued with the dunamis of God the power of God is always active in me I am more than conquerors! I am not a slave to sin I am the righteousness of God in Christ I am the new terror to the kingdom of darkness Am deaf to all accusations of the devil against me I reign in LIFE! GLORY!!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 18:34:56 +0000

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