* SKM Unmasked: Wants Turmoil to Settle Election Scores - TopicsExpress


* SKM Unmasked: Wants Turmoil to Settle Election Scores * [Received via e-mail by a local resident] So the Students frenzy that gripped the entire state and took Gangtok for ransom finally seems to slowly get over. The all citizens of Sikkim who supported the cause against the ‘Lathi Charge on Students’ needs to be applauded. I am sure that every citizen of Sikkim is condemning this (ruling , opposition and the general public) condemn the act of outrage by police over the student on 14th evening. Yet what has been done cannot be undone but can be rectified by proper and proactive actions that have been initiated by the State Government of forming the commission to look into these aspects. The Commission will surely do justice to all who have been disgruntled and abused. Students in this case. However, Students are after all students. They act on certain decisions in the spurt of the moment. They are young. They want to change the world. For them revolution is fashionable. They are impatient and want instant results. So, whatever they did was in this case was an act of their juvenile and immature thought process. Yet within all these nuances of Juvenile tendencies, they sometime do not know how they often get misused by political brains who have to straighten their own issues and settle scores. All was well and under control when it was students against HRDD in the first level and then Students against the District Administration in the second level. I do not hesitate to write here that the DC, SP etc. acted a bit too harshly and immaturely on the first day (that is 14th July) . Yet what happened on the 15th and 16th by could not be justified. The highway was blocked for 6 long hours. Travelling people and tourists were hugely tensed. They were stranded in the middle of all the commotion. I saw teachers of the college trying to pacify students to enter inside the college and carry on their Dharna. But every time they wanted to go in there were a bunch of so called goons belonging to the opposition instigating the students not to enter the college. What happened in the end was Tear Gas Shelling by the police. In the process the DC got manhandled and the ADC’s driver was beaten up. It was a shameful act of violence. There were at least few guys (looking like goons) who were in the college attire but did not look like the college students at all. Whose guys were these? I leave that on your proper judgment. The day ended with vandalizing some cars on the way and burning a government vehicle. Every one blamed the students for this outrage. We all in Tadong have seen that it was not students who torched that vehicle but it was they who were blamed. On 16th when students were trying their best negotiating at the HRDD office with almost half of senior cabinet ministers, there was a rampage going around in the town. One Lal Bazaar guy told me that it was payback time for the government. The entire city burnt. What a shame. During all this, when people were on the rampage and the government was trying to pacify the students, what was the SKM doing??? Sitting a on hunger strike to complicate matters more. They should have been on the streets as elected leaders to stop this arson and violence. I restrain to put any allegations of any other acts they have committed which I know of very well. So my big question is if they felt so strongly about the welfare of the students and chose to be on the streets on the 14th and 15th what stopped them go into the streets to stop this violence. Rather they chose to be safely stay at Manan Kendra. I am sure they were afraid to be on the streets for obvious reasons! The worst was, when student leaders who returned after negotiating and some teachers who were trying to contain the students inside the campus were attacked by the politically sponsored goons. Why did the public (I should say politically motivated and funded) enter the college campus? What job did they have inside the campus. Why were they trying to compel the students to do the dharna on the streets so that they could do the arson in their name? This is utterly shameful. So this boils down to three basic questions that I would like to ask the opposition leaders as a Gangtok Citizen – 1. If you (opposition People) fuelled this entire episode (as you were with students on the 14th during their rally), why did you disappear when the city needed you as elected members? The worst was why were you compelling the students to take the violence on the streets rather than inside the campus (where they were not unruly) ? 2. The whole episode got worse when Social Media pages continuously put up news of arson. Were you not (as responsible citizens) to restrain the social media so that this mob frenzy would not spread like wild fire? 3. And the most important: Do you want this arson to continue and repeat. Do you want to run the politics of violence. Why did your men target students (genuine) who came back from HRDD after negotiating with the Government? I am sure you will not be in a position to answer any of these and neither do I need as we all know the obvious. We feel extremely pained by your act.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:22:34 +0000

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