#SNEAKPEAK #COMPLIMENTARYCHAPTER #NOGODKNOWGOD NO GOD? KNOW GOD by Neil Curtis & Daihana Martinez PURCHASE YOUR COPY TODAY nogodknowgod/ CHAPTER 4 Signs Sometimes signs, through God are not at all what we expect. Because they’re God’s signs, we have no control over them.They don’t always arrive right when you ask for them, either. In other words, be careful what you ask for! Two weeks passed and I was still confused and unanswered. I consistently asked God to show me a sign or to come back.Three weeks later, I woke up at about 3:00 a.m. to turn the light on in my mother’s den, where I was sleeping. I had no real reason to be up. I got up and made my way over to the light switch. I remember no emotions or feelings until I reached out attempting to turn the lights on and realized that my finger was unable to make that happen. I was shocked at the sight of my finger going right through the switch. What a weird and scary feeling! After trying for a while, this whole thing became frustrating.Who can’t get up and flick on a stupid light switch? I thought. I stood there trying to figure out why I couldn’t get the light switch to move until I couldn’t take it any longer and gave up.When I turned around to make my way back to sleep, I realized that my body was still lying on the couch. I couldn’t tell you what went through my mind at that moment,but I do remember turning around and reaching for the door handle. My hand pierced straight through it and I ended up in the living room. Realizing what I was capable of, I made my way out of the house through the front entrance, like a ghost. Once I got outside, I fully understood that I didn’t have my body with me. I wasn’t exactly visible; I could only feel what I was. I was an oval-shaped being of some sort and I was floating or flying. I felt I had two little arms, and I was happy once I realized I was airborne. I limitlessly accelerated toward the skies. I was flying and it was special! Woo-Hoo! I was having the time of my life, flipping and doing little suspended dances.This was glorious and blissful. I descended a bit and headed west down the street toward the next block. As I bent the corner, although still very high up in the air, one house in particular caught my attention. It had statues of saints in front of it. I hovered in place for a moment looking at it and then everything started to feel different. Fear suddenly replaced all of my joy; I went from one extreme to the other within seconds. Something went completely wrong. All I could feel was the presence of hundreds of similar shaped, yet wicked spirits charging at me. Their intentions were no mystery.They wanted to capture and keep me. I backed up desperately and then frantically took off like a sling-shot, toward my mother’s house. I intuitively knew that my life depended on it because if they got a hold of me, I wouldn’t have been able to get back to my body. They were on a relentless pursuit and I’ll admit it, they came close! I flew straight back toward my body and sliced in through the den window. My eyes were wide open, staring at me—ready and waiting to reconnect. I found my physical body and jumped back inside. I anxiously sat up, blinking and breathing hard, yet still able to feel the malicious spirits hovering in the room. It was truly frightening. I knew I was still surrounded by these densely evil presences. I had nowhere to run! It was like a spiritual bounty hunt. I felt a wave of negative spiritual pressure encompassing me, trying to swallow me up. I instantly realized that the only way I could stop this was through God. I grabbed my bible and started to pray, asking for help. I used the same words that David, who wrote Psalms, would use whenever he encountered negative situations. As I wholeheartedly read a psalm, I began to feel that the evil spirits were being removed. Shortly after, I felt that they were all gone. I called on God because I knew that God would protect me. I prayed day in and day out, but never really received another experience, until I moved into my own home. Thereafter, I prayed and I begged for God to return to me without knowing if He would or would not. What I learned from that unique experience was that although human beings are part physical and part spiritual, the two are never to be separated. I learned that our bodies are our spirit’s protection and that our spirit is our bodies’ protection.The two combined form a “living soul,” the way God wanted it. Once separated, I knew I was vulnerable to ungodly forces. God created living souls. Many religions, cults and organizations encourage separation of the spirit from the body, claiming that doing so will produce empowerment. However, authentic empowerment is ordained and only achieved by a living soul (body and spirit, operating as one). We need to respect God by NOT trying to separate our spirits from our physical bodies and realize the potential we have once we know how to utilize all of what God has given us. If God wanted to make each of us in two separate portions, we would be able to leave our bodies behind and roam around at any given moment. That’s not the case.What good is it to fly, if no one can see you? As you know, a spirit can float, this means that we can fly. If you allow the spiritual portion of your body the ability to take over the physical portion of your body, you’ll grant yourself access to do what your spirit can normally do, which is fly. Society has conditioned our minds to accept the idea that we are limited.We are led to believe that physical obstacles are real, when in fact once our spirit interacts with our body, only God’s creations are real, powerful and limitless. What goes up does NOT always have to come down and what can go wrong does not always have to go wrong; Murphy’s Law is a man-made law. A conditioned concept created to keep us in constant expectation of negativity! Neil Curtis Farm Up Jamaica Christopher Rodriguez Nhiqo Suave Alex Chan Chris Song Galileo Ramos Gerber Rivas Lisa Curtis BUY YOUR COPY TODAY AT nogodknowgod/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:48:38 +0000

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