!!!!!!!SOMETHING BIG IS HAPPENING NOW BECAUSE JESUS IS NEAR!!!!!!!!! I am a Prophet called by Jesus to share his Love by preparing for his Heavenly Wedding, if you do not know I am born of a strong woman, a loving mother who is a Marathon Runner in her mid 50s, question is what kind of testimony will I give to the World because the Mighty God is taking me on the World stage now? At 29 years old and turning 30 in December, knowing that I am repeating the Bible, Joseph was about 30 when he because the Vice King of Egypt, David also was about 30 when he became King of Israel, but most of all Jesus was about 30 also when he started his ministry which was a short mission. Its been 14 years that i have not seen my mother and brothers or my Lovely Country Cameroon. A college drop out, I was a disappointment to my family, not even that ending up in jail, right at the bottom of hell but the Lord Jesus looked at me with mercy and remembered that he created me to serve him as his mouth piece in my dying generation. What truly made me so qualified to serve God, well the honest answer is nothing at all, so I asked God and he said you were perfect in sinning so you shall also be perfecting in loving me so you are qualified by my mercy and grace. Two and the half years now after all the attacks from the army from hell sent by the devil and himself, yet still standing very strong because the Love of God is well rooted in his Word in me and supported by the Holy Spirit who is my best friend. I have been sent to remote places in this America deep into the mission field daily. Giving up was never part of my agenda and failure is not friend. This is many of my testimonies share monthly on my Facebook for the World to witness the Love of Gods love toward a great sinner like me. My time is now not because I said so but because God told me so, you shall witness and see with your eyes the working of Gods Power in extreme, supernatural, and extraordinary great miracles, signs and wonder in this generation like never before in this ministry. The Holy Bible is going to be repeated in a very high magnitude because the greater works that Jesus talked about are here now and shall be expressed and release in the Church and the secular World. The greatest winning of souls shall be in the continent of Asia and i have seen more than 20 million standing in one place. Billions will be saved and Billions will give up religion to have a relationship with Jesus. The Power and Authority given to us by God in the book of Genesis to have control over the Whole earth is here, you shall see the sun, moon, stars, planets, sky, ground, water, wind, air, animals etc responding to the commands of God through his End-time messengers. They will physically fly like birds and disappear like the wind and their words shall be very few because it will be God speaking and talking out of them. Fire, lightening hail and thunder shall respond and yield to their voices. The great celebrities, government officials and other religious leaders will know that there is a true and one God and his son is Jesus Christ. Before we enter Heaven the Lord said the wealth and riches of the earth is been release, where ever diamonds, gold, silver etc is hiding it shall be revealed to his servants to share it to his people for this was what happen when the Israelite were leaving Egypt. The days of King Solomon is now and the supernatural prosperity is release like never seen before, and those you think are rich and wealthy now will look like poor people. Get ready now not tomorrow repent from sin and walk away from unforgivness and any kind of sinful lifestyle. If the Word of God is not living and active in you then you will not fully enjoy this end-time blessing. Preach the truth and the Gospel of the Cross for without it many cannot be sanctify. Prepare your house and be prayerful and practice Holiness and fasting. This is Prophet Emmanuel Love, the Prophet of Love, a slave to Gods love, and Ambassador from the Kingdom of Heaven and An Agent of change and transformation in this Generation.(KINGDOMCHRIST END-TIME MINISTRY UNIVERSAL)
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:46:20 +0000

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