::SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT READ SILENT SINNER BLUE:: The Scarlet sisters weakness is water but is that true? well according to my research NO! First we look at the species of the scarlet sisters,according to wiki Remillia Scarlet and Flandre Scarlet are vampires not is not native from Gensokyo which means they are from the outside world and judging by the architecture of the Scarlet Devil Mansion the Scarlet sisters are most likely based on western Vampires. Vampires are A vampire is a mythical being who subsists by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures but in Touhou vampires are a young but powerful youkai species, considered to be a type of devil, Devil and Vampires what do they both have in common to folklores? well the answer is theyre both weak on holy water not just water. I know you guys are confused about this because what does all of that have to do with this picture? well take a look closely and read carefully,in case you didnt know Reimu asked Remillia arent water supposed to be vampires weakness? and Sakuya replied they are not weak against water,it just that they cant cross moving water like in rivers and rain, look at the reaction that Remillia and Patchouli make to Sakuya saying it like that,could it be that Sakuya lied?Flowing water or Holy water?just what are the vampires true weakness? this lead me to another theory of mine. Remember Scalet sisters and the rest of residents are come from the outside world and move to Gensokyo but why? My theory is theyre running away from people vampire hunters and the scarlet sisters parents are killed by holy water which make Sakuya or Remillia mistaken that vampires weakness are flowing water but it is actually holy water. Thank you for reading my theory and its just theory so dont take it too seriously and 9/10 this theory could be wrong anyway. Picture is from last chapter of silent sinner blue.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 02:32:16 +0000

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