STAND UP STAND UP FOR JESUS YOU SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS... Many years wife, Connie, was a teacher in Public Schools .... ( Junior High School ). She would TEACH ENGLISH and MATH when she was supposed to be teaching... BUT... she also HUNG GOSPEL TRACTS on the CLASS BULLETIN BOARD with SIGN that read--- TAKE AND READ. Whenever there was a class discussion on any issue she ALWAYS brought JESUS into to it and WITNESSED to the entire class, OFTEN. started STAYING AFTER SCHOOL and gathering around her desk to ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT JESUS. Finally, the WORST BOY IN THE ENTIRE SCHOOL GAVE HIS LIFE TO JESUS....hes probably out preaching somewhere today.... American Public Schools need to be taken back FOR JESUS. When Connie BOLDLY STOOD FOR JESUS as a PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER PRAYER and THE BIBLE had already been OUTLAWED from our schools. Connie had just gotten SAVED....She was a BABY CHRISTIAN....She FEARED NO MAN... NOR PRINCIPAL of the school...SCHOOL BOARD ....OR ANYBODY ELSE. One day, the Principal, ( head honcho ) called her into his office and told her that she could NOT WEAR a little badge she always wore on her blouse which read---JESUS FIRST. She told the Principal that JESUS WAS FIRST and that SHE WOULD-- NOT OBEY HIS COMMAND-- TO TAKE THE STICK PIN BADGE OFF WHICH READ---JESUS FIRST. She kept wearing it PROUDLY and the PRINCIPAL never said another word about it...He soon found out that JESUS WAS INDEED FIRST IN HER LIFE. Now, if a BABY CHRISTIAN can STAND UP FOR JESUS, with NO FEAR OF MAN, then somebody please tell me where this chicken hearted spirit comes from that now causes CHRISTIAN TEACHERS to be SUBMISSIVE and COMPLIANT to all the ANTI -CHRIST demands of The Authorities. TEACHER !!! STAND UP FOR JESUS !!! IF THEY FIRE YOU FROM YOUR JOB THEN DANCE OUT OF THAT SCHOOL SINGING THE HIGH PRAISES OF GOD ... AND HAND OUT GOSPEL TRACTS ON YOUR WAY OUT. --- Acts 4:29 & Acts 5:29
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:57:56 +0000

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