# STOLEN # COPIED BREAKING NEWS: Governor Kidero slapped - TopicsExpress


# STOLEN # COPIED BREAKING NEWS: Governor Kidero slapped by Ndolo in pre-sabasaba technical hitch ****************************** ****************************** ****************** Yesterday, Nairobi Governor Dr Evans Kidero frustrated CORD head of secretariat Mr. Norman Magaya over access to Uhuru Park. Gov Kidero was said to be the force behind attempts by Jubilee Alliance to book the venue through backdoor. Magaya had literally spent the whole day calling Dr. Kidero who had given instructions to his officers not handle anything to do with Uhuru Park. Sources at the CORD secretariat told this writer Dr. Kidero then refused to answer phone calls from CORD leader Raila Odinga. On the same day, Kidero was seen at an undisclosed location with Deputy President William Ruto and several top TNA legislators and wheeler-dealers. Word reached Hon. Ndolo that Kidero was ‘misbehaving again’ and the search for the city governor begun in earnest. Kidero avoided his city hall office and his several private offices until he was spotted this morning at Hotel Boulevard – the political headquarters of pro- establishment businessmen in Kenya. Soon, Hon Ndolo arrived. Without mincing words, Ndolo approached Kidero’s table where he was seated with shadowy three men of Asian origin and another two from Mt. Kenya region. After seeing Ndolo approach, the city governor smelled trouble and attempted to exit. However, Ndolo was too quick for him. He asked Kidero why he is not picking calls and Kidero murmured something vague. Within a twinkle of an eye, several slaps and jabs visited Kidero’s face as his Asian counterparts withdrew their guns. Ndolo then left Kidero to recover and faced the two men. It is not clear how the Mt. Kenya fellow disappeared but a source who saw the last of him said he scampered to safety as the reality of death sunk in. You know, bullets do go astray – friendly fire. This version is the first draft of the events which happened this morning. Wait for the exact copy later in the day. Anyway, this writer just just want you to know that pre-sabasaba sorting out has just begun. ADMIN: This kind of fights belong to the past.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 09:14:46 +0000

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