** SUICIDE RIDE THE SERIES: IMPORTANT STATUS UPDATE! PLEASE READ! ** RIDERS & Readers! The end draws near. I regret to say that the time and effort Ive expended this past year writing and marketing my SUICIDE RIDE series has driven my balance sheet severely into the red. The hours and hours required to generate even modest gains are no longer sustainable, let alone justifiable. If time is money - and it is - I operate at a loss so staggering its a wonder I havent broken every bone in my body! LOL! As my devoted RIDERS know, I had planned to make this series a multi-volume endeavor. That is still my wish. But my wish keeps colliding with the dried leather hide of my wallet. As soon as Amazon disseminates the revised second editions of THE PLATINUM MAN and THE FIX to everyone who purchased them, I will unpublish both versions and withdraw them from the marketplace until the entire series is completed. Those of you anticipating THE HIT should contact me with your email addresses for further updates. When the whole story is told, I will then release it as one book calked SUICIDE RIDE. For now, my series page, street team, fan group, and all other groups will soon disband. My presence on Facebook will greatly diminish, and all marketing efforts will cease. The time I save by abandoning these largely futile attempts to pimp work that little merits that verb will free me up to finish the series as one. During that time, I will focus on building my website and blog for the future release of SUICIDE RIDE, the standalone novel. Ive learned much this year, and made many wonderful lifelong friends along the way. You know who you are. I love and treasure each and every one of you. I cannot thank my RIDERS enough for their unfailing love and support, without which Id have thrown in the towel long ago - on February 24th, to be exact - for reasons well-known to them. So, while you still can ... #SuicideRide. #PrepareToTakeTheHit. #HitchYourLift and #GetYourFix. Then: begin gearing up for ... #SuicideRideTheNovel. ~ Elle
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:56:55 +0000

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