🌟SWEET FIRE IN ICE🌟 CHAPTER ONE 10 YEARS LATER (after prologue) Mari Williams stood at the front gates of her new high-school, sweat beading down her back. Shed never once stood foot within any school grounds, and if she had it her way, never would. But shed promised her caregiver. Theyd made a bet, small but a bet all the same; If I can beat you at any game of cards, your choice, Ana Crypton began, You will attend, Kiel High for the year. If you win, we will never mention school again and Ill continue tutoring you here at home. Mari had chosen a simple game theyd called Last Card and had come out the loser. Just like with the Blacks, Ana had taken her to the school the previous week to enrol. They hadnt purchased books or stationary, only a school bag. She refused to harbour a lunchbox, too afraid having one would bring back the bad memories that scarred her against wanting anything to do with schools again. Administration gave them papers to fill and mentioned something about entry exams that would determined if she qualified for the schools academic standards which brought her back to why she was standing outside the huge school gates. If, - and she was debating whether to purposely flunk , - she passed, shell be given the list of stationary and books needed, which according to the administration, shell be able to purchase from the schools stationary store. Thats IF, she could get her legs moving. Are you here for the entrance exams? A beautiful female appeared suddenly beside her causing Mari to stumble away in shock. Oh, Im very sorry. Did I scare you? The female walked forward and extended an arm. Dont touch me! Mari retreated further, afraid. Of corse, I apologise. The female stepped back, hurt flashed in her eyes. There one second, gone the next. I wont hurt you. She gave a small but genuine smile. How could she explain that it was not her she was afraid of, but of the fact that Mari might unconsciously hurt her. Shed done it before, except shed did more than just hurt. Screams and shouts resonated within her mind, fear following soon after. All those children, the teachers, their cries intertwining with one another until it turned into a haunting melody that replayed over and over in her dreams. A sudden soothing mist filled her body, the screams and cries dying down until finally, disappearing altogether. Mari had never felt anything like it, her body seeking more, the rocks within her shaken body lessening, until they too, became lost in the mist of calm and solitude. Something cool was atop her forehead, clearing the last of her haunting memory. Mari didnt want it to stop, but voices began to intrude her calm. Voices that couldnt be fragments of the experience that would, could, never leave her. These were outward voices, voices shed never heard before. One voice in particular resonated the same calm shed just experienced. She wanted to listen to his, yes definitely a HIS, voice for eternity. .....say it was a sudden memory relapse. I suggest she rest here a while longer. That calm lullaby-of-a-voice said, finality hitched in with confident authority. Who ever owned such a voice had to be a healer, because her entire body, even her mentality was given energy and clearance as he spoke. I met her outside the front gate. I assumed she was here to take the strange exam, so I was going to offer her help Incase she was lost or afraid. Id startled her, and when I went to apologise and introduce myself, well, she just freaked out, as if she was afraid of me. That female from earlier, Mari heard hurt within her sweet voice, saddening her even though the blond was just a stranger. Her name is Mari Williams. She enrolled last week with Ana Crypton. I have already informed Mrs Crypton of her status, if need be, she will come in and pick her up. If she is well enough, I have another student who did not make the entrance exam. They can both take the exam in my office. Youd be suprise how much the two girls look like one another. As if they were twins. Thats when Maris eyes flew open, and the most wonderful sight greeted her.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:14:50 +0000

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