#Saathiya #SNS Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th September 2014 - TopicsExpress


#Saathiya #SNS Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th September 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates Kinjal takes Rashi’s jewelry from Urmila’s cupboard and says Urmila that it her jewelry now as she already alleged her of stealing them. Urmila says she will call police. Kinjal says she will tell them that Urmila stole it from Modi Bhavan and leaves from there. Urmila shouts that she will get it from her anyways. Jigar teaches tolu/molu and vidya/meera their maths sums and asks them to continue studying. Pari sees them silently studying and thinks of gaining their confidence. She asks them to play with her. Kids says Jigar has asked them to study. She lies that Jigar permitted them to relax for some time. Kids happily agree and start playing football with her in rain. Gopi and other family members see them playing in rain and scold kids to get back in. They say Jigar has permitted them, so they will play for some time. Kokila asks Pari to take kids in. Pari says she is doing that she said and is gaining confidence of kids. Jigar sees them playing in rain and asks what are they doing. Pari asks him to come out. Jigar comes and scolds tolu/molu for not listening to him. Tolu/molu insist to play with them. Jigar agrees and starts playing with them. Pari, Kokila and Hetal get happy seeing Jigar playing with kids. Jigar falls down and then smiles. Whole family is happy seeing him happy. Jigar hugs tolu/molu and plays in mud with them. He then asks why did not they complete their homework. Kid says Pari told that you permitted us to play for sometime. Pari says she lied to them, but kids are enjoying, apologizes him. Jigar scolds her and says she knows only betraying and lying, walks out angrily from there. Gopi and Kokila scold Pari for lying with kids and try to leave. Gopi sees Pari getting irked and angrily playing with her mobile. Gopi sees that and asks her to give her mobile. Pari does not, but gives on Kokila’s insistence. Gopi is shocked to see Jigar, Kokila and other family member’s cartoons and shows them to Kokila, says Pari was controlling her anger by shooting on cartoons of family members and says Kokila you asked her to be an ideal bahu, but she is joking on us instead. Pari says she is right, but she heard about this game that it calms down when a person is in anger and is using it. She says game is called I love my family and she did the same and united Jigar and his kids. She says you need this game more than me and will transfer it into her mobile also. Gopi asks Kokila not to believe Pari as she lies always. Kokila says she wants to believe Pari and says at the beginning, even you and Rashi were like that but changed, says Pari lost her mother in childhood and did not have anyone to mend her, but you and Rashi had Urmila with you, asks her to stop hating Pari and think of her good intention instead. She says today because of Pari, Jigar laughed after Rashi’s death and asks her to believe Pari and give her a chance for her sake. Gopi says she does not know how to make her understand and apologizes her for not listening to her and says she will break her illusion. Pari talks to her papa and says Kokila is believing her and she has trapped her, only problem is Gopi, says Kokila is going against even Gopi for her and she does not think anybody will kick her out of house. Kokila thinks of checking Pari before she gets into her room. Pari is busy talking to her papa saying she has trapped Kokila to help in her plan. She sees Kokila’s imagine in bottle cap and changes her tone, says she has to get up in the morning and prepare breakfast. Kokila says Pari she will believe her and asks her to promise her that she will fullfill her challenge. Pari thanks her and happily hugs her. Gopi sees them hugging. Precap: Gopi asks Kokila if she wants to forgo Pari’s mistakes. Kokila says she wants to see Jigar happy and then she will mend Pari according to family’s needs. Update Credit to: MA
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:08:47 +0000

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