# Saraswatichandr a8th July 2013 Written Episode The Episode - TopicsExpress


# Saraswatichandr a8th July 2013 Written Episode The Episode starts with Kumud shouting on Saras. Saras says I cannot change my decision. (Someone slap Saras!!) Kumud says why are you doing like this, what happened to you. She says I cannot live without you. Saras says don’t tell like this, you have tolive. Kumud says I love you, I want your name with me, I will be with you always. He says my life is full of darkness, and I cannot let you fall in my dark life, and that is whyI m breaking my relation with you.She says a marriage is not connecting only us, but also our families, my family cannot bear all this. Saras says yes, you are right, but I don’t have any relation with my dad now. He says my wish to live has gone, please forgive me. He cuts the call and cries. Kumud says listen to me, hello… and cries. Saras and Kumud are torn apart. Kumud cries a lot. Kusum calls Kumud and they sound happy. Kumud sees her bridal dress and does not know how to tell her family about this. Danny gets a callfrom Ghuman. Ghuman asks him to pack his things and go to London to meet a client. Danny says I want to attend Saras’s marriage, she tells you know Saras, he can postpone his marriage for this deal. Danny agrees with her. She says your tickets are done, you leave for the airport soon. Kumud comes near the pool, and thinks how Saras made a promiseto her that he will be with her forever. Kumud goes downstairs in a shocked state. She recollects her moments with Saras. She triesto hold those moments but fails. She thinks of Saras’s promises and cries. Everyone are busy in the marriagearrangements. Vidyachatur is veryhappy for Kumud. Kumud sees everyone happy and gets sad. Kumari on seeing Kumud says Didicame. Kumud wipes her tears andtries to be normal. Vidyachatur looks at her and gets emotional. He jokes with Kumud saying Laxminandan called and said yourmarriage is postponed. Kusum reacts that Kumud is crying. Vidyachatur says I was joking, don’t cry. He says your marriage will take place day after tomorrowas planned. Kumari apologizes to Kumud and asks her not to cry. Kumud says Saras called and this marriage is called off. Everyone are shocked. Vidyachatur says don’t say like this. Kumud says Saras told me. Kusum says forgive us, we won’t tease you again, say this is a lie. Kumud says this is the truth. Badimaa says Saras cannot do likethis, I will call him and talk to him. Kumud says don’t expect anythingfrom him, he said no earlier and even today its a no from his side, he has broken our relation, everything is ruined. Vidyachatur says Saras cannot do like this, he asked your hand infront of everyone and promised to be with you. Kumud says he has broken all the promises, its my mistake that I trusted him. I knew he is afraid of making relations, my dreams have shattered. Kumud hugs Badimaa and cries. Everyone cry with Kumud. Vidyachatur says he has to come and he has to face me first. Kumud says he won’t come, he does not have any answer. Saras does not has courage to face you. Vidyachatur says he cannot let anyone ruin Kumud’s happiness. Vidyachatur shouts out that Mr. SaraswatiChandra Vyas has to face him this time. He gets very much angry. Scene shifts to Saras: Sunny scolds Saras saying do you realize what have you done. Saras says yes, I have broken my relation with Kumud. (Is he a babyto act like this!!) Sunny says she won’t be able to live without you. Sunny says you are making Kumud’s life miserable. She loves you more than herself, how can you do this with her. Sunny says you are taking a wrong step. Saras says I’m like a dead person and I cannot give any happiness to her. (Oh so Saras is dead all of asudden, he went mad!!)I love her a lot and I can give her only one thing and thats going away from her. Sunny says Kumud gave you another chance and trusted you, because she knew you both are made for each other. Vidyachatur says he will not forgive this time, how can Saras run away from the responsibilities. Vidyachatur talks to Laxminandan, not as his friend, but as Kumud’s father. Laxminandan takes his call. Vidyachatur tells him that its goodthat he took my call. Laxminandanasks what happened. He says you have broken the realtion with my daughter two days prior to the mariage. Laxminandan asks what are you saying. Vidyachatur says Saras called and said he won’t marry Kumud. How can he do this,Laxminandan says I don’t know, he has left my house. Vidyachatur repeats that Saras left the house, everyone hear it. Kumud is shocked. Laxminandan says I don’t know where he is. Vidyachatur says find him and askwhy is he brekaing this relation. Vidyachatur says I cannot forgive him. Laxminandan says don’t call him my son, Saras has dies in my eyes. Ghuman hears this and becomes very happy. She says my revenge got fulfilled. Sunny explains Saras but Saras does not understand saying my dadhas cheated my mum. Sunny says even you are doing the same thing by saying no to Kumud. If Kumud does the same thing as your mum did
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 01:18:03 +0000

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