*Scripture Facts! There are many people today who do not really - TopicsExpress


*Scripture Facts! There are many people today who do not really understand what the bible is about, nor do they fully grasp the relationship between Yahuah and a special nation referred to as Yasharal/Israel. Many feel that Yasharal/Israel (not the same as Jews) forfeited their inheritance and today, the Church has replaced Yasharal/Israel and the chosen people have been replaced by Christians. This type of disgusting doctrine is known as Replacement Theology or Supersessionism. *Please note this quote from Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Be advised, this is a quote: therefore, when you see god or Jews, it is because I am quoting the definition for Replacement Theology or Supersessionism: *Supersessionism (also called fulfillment theology or replacement theology) is a Christian interpretation of New Testament claims, viewing Gods relationship with Christians as being either the replacement or fulfillment or completion of the promise made to the Jews (or Israelites) and Jewish proselytes. Biblical expressions of Gods relationships with people are known as covenants, so the contentious element of supersessionism is the idea that the New Covenant with the Christians and the Christian Church replaces, fulfills or completes the Mosaic Covenant (or Torah) with the Israelites and Bnei Noah. A major question in supersessionism is how or to what degree are the ethics of the Mosaic Covenant displaced or even completely abrogated by the New Covenant. *This is why many go to church or feel that Christianity is the saving vessel of mankind. But what do the Scriptures really teach about Yasharal/Israel? I have shown that ancient Yasharal/Israel was defiantly a black skinned nation, sold into slavery in 1619 and dwells in America, France, Brazil, Puerto Rico, and many other nations as African Americans. It is important to note that in todays time: Yasharal/Israel is composed of Hebrews and Gentiles of many nationalities: all races dwell in unity in Yahusha Mashyach/Messiah. *Yahuah has said that he loved Yasharal/Israel so much: He would only dispose of Israel if you could measure the sky, or the foundation of the earth (YaramYahu/Jeremiah 33:35-37). And though many people say we are under a new covenant: they fail to read the entirety of the Scripture found in Abrym/Hebrews 8:8-12. Yahuah said that the day would come where He would renew His covenant with the house of Yasharal/Israel and Yahudah/Judah: NOT A WORLD OF CHRISTIANS. He also said that He would remember their sins no more...this has not yet taken place. *Replacement Theology or Supersessionism is extremely dangerous because it disposes Yasharal/Israel from the inheritance of Yahuah through Yahusha Mashyach/Messiah. The Scripture/Turah will debunk this lie, once you fully read with understanding. Check out: YAHUAHISLIFE.COM!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 00:29:52 +0000

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