****Seeking unbiased opposition, BUT FAILED**** In hopes to see an - TopicsExpress


****Seeking unbiased opposition, BUT FAILED**** In hopes to see an issue from the other side of a coin I decided to look elsewhere for what could possibly be a democrat positioning magazine. So I just read an article (highly left winged biased) that suggests on a broad base implication that FOX news somehow lies. Yet the only issues that the writer whos name is Eric Sterns stated was based on very loose assumptive conjecture, presumptuous innuendos which amounted to nothing more then LIES in & of itself from them. This writer above named his 10/ 18 article Inside the Fox News LIE machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare, stated he watched an interview on FOX news and used his supposed overwhelming astute observations & stated verbatim None of it smelled right to me & Nothing these folks were saying jibed with the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them. He then went on with some gibberish about touting his own self serving qualifications which seemed irrelevant & wasnt even verified precisely by him either. The claim is based on & through the admission by the above mentioned writer through the intentional invasion of personal privacy of 6 individuals that Sean Hannity interviewed regarding the A.C.A. aka Obamacare & the detrimental effects that they were enduring by this partisan initiated Democrat law forced upon the nation! This unethical writer & pretend journalist works for an online magazine that due to a perceived financial fraud has endured a net loss in 3 yr period of $83.6 million dollars. Not one yr since 1999 have they made a profit without having to beg the Liberal base democrats for donations continuously since Feb 2003!! It seems that just maybe this liberal magazine, which now only has around 10,000 viewers/readers due to their unethical reportings, are receiving Federal monies from the Obama admin for promoting the Obamacare mountain of LIES!!! Many people on FB today though, has been using this pathetic propaganda article as some sort of evidence that Obama care is a GREAT program that Republicans lie about to deceive the general public because they supposedly hate Americans & Freedoms!! This ultra left wing liberal (in my opinion) LYING magazine is unfortunately known to the public as Salon! Just another worthless Anti American Communist supporting mouthpiece for the soon to be Dictator Obama, to use & promote his mountain of continued LIES!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 23:54:14 +0000

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