[Sep 10 Apple Daily] “I’m Getting Married” Jerry Yan Gets - TopicsExpress


[Sep 10 Apple Daily] “I’m Getting Married” Jerry Yan Gets Inspired by Friends Jerry Yan (37) has been promoting “Lupin III” in Japan, the live adaptation of the popular comics where he played in a supporting role. In an interview with “Asian Star”, he surprised everyone by saying that he was going to “get married”. The reporter asked him whether his life was going to change after passing the age of thirty-five. Jerry said that he has been inspired by his friends’ marriages and really want to get married. He also encourages his fans to come to his fans meetings later this month and he has surprises in the store for them. When the staff asked whether they could report the “announcement of marriage”, Jerry said “sure” and stressed again “I’m getting married”! Jerry has befriended Barbie Hsu since “Meteor Garden” days. He revealed that he had met Barbie and her husband at a dinner party. He adores their daughter and joked that the baby looks like him. He also teased Barbie’s husband by saying “you took my woman! Dao Ming Si’s woman! “Jerry is now such a humorous person. For more details press: yanchengxu.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=22026&extra=page%3D1 & yanchengxu.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=22017&extra=page%3D1 【9/10 蘋果即時】「要結婚了」 言承旭抱大S女兒婚頭 37歲的言承旭近來在日本宣傳與小栗旬合作漫畫改編真人版電影《魯邦三世》,接受「Asian Star」採訪,竟然用日語透露自己「要結婚了」!日方問到已過35歲門檻,私生活想要有什麼改變?他表示因為看了身邊好友結婚、生小孩,讓他也很想結婚,還強調有surprise,要粉絲一定要來見面會,工作人員詢問他這些話(稱要結婚)真的可以寫出來?他大方表示可以,又再度強調「我要結婚唷」! 與大S合拍《流星花園》建立好交情的他,也透露見過大S及汪小菲夫妻,搞笑說「大S女兒很可愛,可是怎麼越看越像我」,還跟汪小菲說笑「你搶走我女朋友,因為我是道明寺啊」,讓人見識他幽默的一面。(曾宛如/綜合報導) 詳情請移步: yanchengxu.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=22026&extra=page%3D1 & yanchengxu.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=22017&extra=page%3D1
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:09:52 +0000

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