#September 19, 2013 Thursday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary - TopicsExpress


#September 19, 2013 Thursday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time usccb.org/ bible/readings/ 091913.cfm 1 Timothy 4:12-16 Psalm 111:7-10 Luke 7:36-50 Never give up on the youth. Never have any contempt for the youth, for we have all sinned, come from different backgrounds, households, and carry different burdens. The world with all its troubles and temptations, poses many difficulties that the strong in body but weak in spirit must overcome. Let the elders set a good example in speech and conduct, walk in faith and love, and live in peace and purity, holding on and embracing all things which are everlasting and lead to God’s Kingdom. Nobody should neglect the many gifts they have received, especially the gift of life. Regardless of how much anyone has received, it is the Lord that provides everything that anyone will ever need. Therefore make good use of what you have received, persevere in the place you have been born, and seek to progress in faith and grace to overcome any sins and weaknesses that try to take away your peace and the joy for which you have been created by the living God. Nobody has chosen where they have been born, but everyone chooses what they will do with what they have received. Great are the works of the Lord, and with a little faith they all have the power to transform what has been lost and dead to a new found life in the Holy Spirit. God does not abandon anyone, even if those closest to us have forgotten or even pushed us aside. Although the body may be growing older the soul lasts forever, and our spirit learns through our weaknesses and hardships. Therefore let us all turn our youthful spirit that hides inside to the Lord, and seek His mercy and love as humble children. It is Christ who seeks to dine with us and invites us to His heavenly House of Bread. However many the tears and sorrows, each individual, regardless of how great and many were their sins, finds Sanctuary and a new found life in the House of God. The Lord clothes the weak and poor of heart with the Almighty strength and power of His grace. Nothing is lost, abandoned or forgotten when we enter into the family and household of God within the Church. Although the flesh poses many burdens and constraints, it is the spirit that gives us true freedom and a new found hope, united to God’s faithful promise. Men will judge one another, but everyone who reaches out in tears, repentance and prayer to God, finds His mercy. Find the child within you, so that you may find compassion within the arms of the Mother and the glory of the Father. As each one of us was born from a mother and father, so we find eternal life through an Almighty Father and a Mother that raises us from our youth. Faith will save you and give you peace that nobody else can give but the Lord. Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:20:56 +0000

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