#September30, 2014 Walk With The King Daily eDevotional: - TopicsExpress


#September30, 2014 Walk With The King Daily eDevotional: #FullyEquipped Now the #God of peace . . . make you perfect [equip you] in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight, through #JesusChrist; to whom be glory forever and ever. (Heb. 13:20-21) How beautifully our #Lord quips believers for service! When we come to the #LordJesus we come spiritually bankrupt, absolutely incapable of anything except failing. But our Lord takes us in, saves us by His grace, and makes us His own children. Then He equips us. Think of that the next time you get discouraged and say I cant do this. If I were more gifted, or if I had a different background, or if circumstances were otherwise-but they arent, so whats the use? All of us get discouraged sometimes. The next time you do, remember that Almighty God is supremely interested in you. What does God do for you? The word translated perfect doesnt mean without flaw, but mature, grown up. Dont fight against the experiences of life. Realize that God is using them to shape you. Imagine Him saying just to you, Dont resent what Im doing for you. Maybe #itHurts; maybe you dont enjoy it; maybe you would have chosen differently; but Im doing something in your life because youre worth it. Im growing you up. You know, friend, I want the Lord #Jesus to be able to look down on us Christians from His Fathers right hand and say, Calvary was worth it all. Look at them. Small thought here Let #theLord grow you up. Remember that His shining covenant and everlasting promises are yours. Remember that He wants to do something in your life thats going to #glorifyGod for all eternity. Hallelujah for that! Walk With the King, Inc.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:47:01 +0000

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