Sergeant Polarski press the detonator but nothing happened. Lover - TopicsExpress


Sergeant Polarski press the detonator but nothing happened. Lover Marylin pinned to the ground thinking to overcome it but it was bound to happen and the worst happened. When Sergeant Polarski pressed the detonator, nothing happened. But panic had already started to win all the people in the bar. Some reacted quickly and ran out. Lover Marylin fell on the soldier. The latter being the ground could not move. Betty took the opportunity to grab the gun she always kept hidden in case. She raised the tone of his voice to be heard among the yelling and screaming at everyone to get out. There was almost a soixantaines person that night in the bar, plus a few people who consumed outside. The crowd dispersed between the main entrance and exit. Betty Roxy pushed out to the emergency exit and shouted at him to run. Denise was petrified. She could not move. Claudia, they held hands, as if to pray that everything stops quickly. Ground, Sergeant Polarski and lover of Marilyn fought. The sergeant had his whole plan in mind and he had this to stop that when he was dead. Roland analyzed the situation in a few seconds, it was impossible to bring the Sergeant to reason, he turned and started to push and Claudia Denise so they leave quickly, but Claudia realized that Amanda was trapped between the crowd the main door and the men who fought on land. Claudia gave Roland and went behind him to pick up his daughter. Denise did not move. She heard shouts, calling her daughter Claudia, Amanda cry. Marilyn was also petrified. She watched the fight on the ground and could not move. How George could have had this idea? Roland shook Denise and out of his torpor. He pointed her out. D: Roland! Claudia! A: Shes going out! Denise during hurry up! Denise started running without looking back, followed by Roland. Almost everyone was out, Betty turned and saw Claudia run to Amanda. Instead of going out, she walked towards them and Marylin to get them out in turn. Betty had in mind to shoot the sergeant to master it. But the fight to the ground escalated and managed to push the lover of Marilyn on the side and drew a grenade sergeant. Moving, it reactivated the system bomb lying on him. Amanda spanned, Betty was next to Marilyn and took her by the arm to get her out, Claudia came to her daughter. Suddenly, people being outside heard a violent explosion. Sergeant Polarski was deliberately detonated. Six people missing was inside, lying on the ground. Lover Marylin who had to get up, was completely ejected against the bar and found himself lying on the ground, lifeless. Marylin was ejected against a window and Betty against a table. Claudia found herself ejected to the side and his head struck the table violently. Debris of all kinds fell on all of them, injuring the head, arms. Amanda found herself against the door. His clothes had partially burned. Roland, who had returned or was Claudia and see who had entered at the door of the emergency exit, felt a jolt and found himself against a tree that was behind the Hump Bar. The bar was shattered. And while the last people to leave had just won out, received some shards of glass, wood and were partially injured as Denise. Everyone noted the extent of damage and could barely understand what had happened. One person had the reflex to call for help. Since the bar for a places where there were soldiers in the sense that a soldier was the origin of all his, the base commander was notified quickly. At the bar, had stupor. R: Denise! Denise you okay? D: Roxy, youre out? A: Yes Betty pushed me out. Where are the others? D: Rolland returned sought Claudia and Amanda but ... R: And Claudia, Amanda? Where are they? D: Inside, finally I think I have not seen outside. A: Oh my god! Denise cried all the tears are body. Relief came quickly. Outside people vanished after their various injuries which proved to be fractures and burns. Many cities around reinforcements were also on hand. Everyone was taken to the hospital for care support but also psychological support. Most people had only blue, some minor wounds. But no one knew how many people were still inside. In the middle of night, the fire that ravaged the roof Hump finally had been mastered. Relief had to wait until the smoke fades in order to fetch the victims. A few hours later it was still possible. When they went inside, firefighters found a scene of chaos. Roland was found first and take him to the hospital quickly. The police had already noted 12 serious victims of explosions, which were oblivious to the arrival of emergency, or seriously injured. The first was found in the first bar, lifeless, that the number of victims rose to 13. Indeed, a list was made, involving missing persons, deaths as well as serious injuries. The bar was filled with debris, and it was dark night, which made it difficult for firefighters. All others were now evacuated and police chief asked for silence. For nearly an hour, they called to the bar in case someone injured, conscious, answered. But seeing that this was not the case, they proceeded to clean the bar to find others. They did not know what awaited them. By late night, the people in the bar and sent to the hospital, were all interviewed for friends who were with them. No question about their event was raised. This is so that Denise and Roxy, explained that in addition to Roland, there was Claudia Joy Holden, the wife of Brigadier General and Amanda Holden, their daughter. Not knowing if Betty had gone out, the Roxy mentioned as Marylin and her lover as she had seen in the bar. Even if she does not like very much, a life was at stake so she gave these names. Firefighters were alerted, so people were missing and he had to act quickly, some of them may still be alive in this bar were. Even if the sun had not risen on Charleston, the sky was clearer, the late night was near. Having entered through the emergency door overlooking the rear of the bar, they found a woman first. They could not give a name, but it was alive. She was evacuated to the hospital very quickly. Behind the bar, another woman saw discovery, but also living in a very critical condition with burns second degree on the upper body and face. The rest of the bar was littered with debris, firefighters conclude that the bombs had exploded here. A few hours later, a man without life was to found again. The list of victims was now number 16. A completely burned body was discovered lifeless remains of explosives, according to firefighters, it was responsible for the explosion. Two more bodies were found near one another. Two women, one died, the other, a young woman, burned in the 3rd degree on almost every body, but was still alive take emergency hospital. The victims were 19 in number. Having found them on some paper or others in bags at their sides, the names was quickly noted. Everything was sent to the army so that families of persons belonging to the base are made aware, and that it take the necessary when the family of the soldier who caused the explosion. A hospital was chaos, despite the many minor ailments, services were full. By midmorning, the army received the announcement as well as all the information regarding this accident. It is Joan who went met firefighters and police officers in order to have the information given during the crisis meeting which met in the late morning. She returned, Michael was present, he was being accused No. 3 of the base, and the division commander and the commander of the base, as well as other soldiers. The meeting began, Joan thus addressed the assembly. J: Hello everyone. We organized this meeting in crisis because it has been a serious accident last night at the end of day Hump Bar, a bar outside the base, which leads the army. Indeed, a soldier named George Polarski, was detonated in the bar, causing considerable damage and casualties. According to the latest results, it is the soldier who is responsible for this explosion. At this moment, the military police so start to interrogate all persons present in the bar last night. Therefore, we know how it is accurate happened and why this individual has committed this act. Base Commander: We know why the ammunition was stolen? J: It would indeed seem that these two cases are related Sir, this says no certainty at this time, we must await the report of the military police in the late afternoon. M: So the threat came from inside the base and is carried outward. J: That is correct, sir, there was the opposite of what we expected, but because of this, the base was spared. Base Commander: Fortunately effectively. Do we know if there are victims. J: According to initial findings, many people had already gone to the fire department, with various bruises, minor burns, concussions, but nothing major. People were found in the bar, but we do not know if there are serious injuries, people died. Base Commander: It would be wise to learn quickly in order to transmit the group maintains the names of people involved in the database. At this time, a military police had asked permission to enter. He gave Joan a list of 19 names. Alphabetically. J: Actually, sir, we just give me the list of people involved. M: Do we know the exact number? J: The report that I have before me, it says that 19 people are listed as victims. That is to say, serious injuries but also death. Some people have not been recognized, the report is based solely on the names of people who have been given by friends present with them that night. We know that there have been 4 deaths and 15 serious injuries admitted to the hospital directly Mercer. Base Commander: Can we have names? Ronald please go read the list, while Burton finished reading the report to be give us more information. The soldier nodded. Joan gave him the list. R: Joanna Adam, Jerry Amery, Betty Campdem ... M: He is the owner of the bar! Is it part ... A: Im sorry sir but we do not know who the dead people currently know, we just have the entire list. Base Commander: Continue Burton. R: Aimy ColDay, Roland Burton ... The soldier paused time. He knew he was the husband of his top. Joan looked up, his heart had stopped, she stared at the eyes of Michael. J: What? Base Commander: Burton return to your seat please. Joan was devastated. Roland was he still alive? She no longer listened to the list, but plunged in the last days she had to live with Roland. She realized that she loved him more than anything. M: Joan, Roland was doing in the bar? J: It started last night, he ... he had to stop for a last drink to say goodbye to Betty. M: He had not made an appointment to girls? J: No, it had nothing planned because some went accompany their husbands to boarding, and I think ... M: Yes Claudia is not there, she accompany Amanda to his academic year. The young soldier continued reading. R: Ryan Daylay Ellen Denoven, Kristen Donald Mick Gragen, Ethan Groland ... The soldier paused time. The two names that followed, he knew. He knew it will effect a bomb. Base Commander Ronald you happen there, keep it up! A: I ... I ... Mr. Base Commander: Thats an order! A: Well Sir, I ... He closed his eyes and returned to read the list. His eyes fell immediately into those of Michael and he did not let go of the eyes giving the next two names. R: Amanda Holden, ... Michael felt his heart stop. If Amanda was in this bar, Claudia, was probably to be there. R: Claudia Joy Holden, ... M: What? But no, this is not possible, Claudia is living Charleston with Amanda, they could not be in this bar last night! A: Im sorry sir. Michael could hear the list of victims. He did not know what to do. He wanted to be a nightmare and it will wake soon. The meeting continued, it was imperative stood there like Joan. After the list of names was called, the young soldier had read the report in front of everyone. After about 1:30 meeting, it came to an end. Michael put his head in his hands. Joan felt his eyes moisten. Michael released last and leaned against the wall blowing. Panic fear had invaded from the minute he knew that Amanda and Claudia were in the bar the night before. But he had to go to his office and wait anxiously to know. It was almost noon when a new release came and Joan was informed that Roland was in the hospital and was part of the 15 injured admitted to hospital. She walked quickly to the office of Michael. J: Sir! M: Joan whats happening? J: We just had a new release. Claudia is one of the people wounded and in hospital, as well as your daughter. M: What are people dying? Michael wanted to hear the four names to be on. J: Mick Gragen Georges Polarski, Marylin Polarski. The fourth person was apparently the lover of Madame Polarski, therefore, we still do not have his name. M: So its on, Claudia and Amanda are in the hospital? J: Yes sir sure. By cons we do not know what the injured people suffer. M: Well thank you very much Joan. You will see Roland? J: Yes, sir, I will go and the commander has authorized me there. M: I hope it goes well. J: I also hope Sir, as Claudia and Amanda. M: God hears us. Joan went directly to the hospital. Michael Emmalin the call to prevent it. The latter was in shock, she was crying on the phone. Her father reassured and it was agreed that it enters the afternoon on the first plane. Thereafter, he rushed to the hospital. For its part, Denise had returned to work in the afternoon, after sleeping the morning. Roxy had gone home, and had all told Pamela that since the news on television had heard the news. Michael came to the hospital quickly. At the reception we shunted to intensive care services, then they knew that was bad enough. All those injured in the explosion was in the service. Many world cruising. He saw Denise. M: Denise! D: Michael! M: Denise what has happened? And where Claudia and Amanda? D: The doctors are still near them, they end diagnosis. M: But what were you doing in this bar? D: Michael coincidence, nobody should have been in this bar. Michael saw that Denise was devastated. He did not seek other answers. He sat on one of the chairs that was in the hallway. D: Michael, they will leave. M: I like being in a vacuum. The doctors came out of the room and went to give their report. Denise intercepted them later. D: Im sorry, Michael Holden is there, waiting for quite some time. He asked for information, and to see his wife and daughter. Dr: Okay, thank you. The doctor then went to Michael. Dr: Mr Holden? M: This is myself. Dr: Follow months in my office. Once installed, the doctor explained the situation began. Dr: What I tell you is not good news, as you can imagine. This explosion was really violent. And I was surprised to learn that there were survivors. Your wife and daughter are miraculously. Michael nodded. He could not say a word. Dr: Regarding your wife, she received a big shock to the head. She suffered a head injury, and is therefore in a coma type 2. We are not in the case of deep coma, which we do not know when people come out and if they come out one day . Say coma occurred when the body of your wife had to protect something. Therefore, I am confident when he awoke in the coming days. This may take time, the next few hours will be decisive, but his condition did not last more than a week. Aside from that, it was only bruises, bruises. Michael was devastated. Claudia was in a coma. How was this possible? He felt his heart cracked a huge fear of losing her unborn. Therefore had the feeling that Claudia had whenever he was going on a mission? How could she supported her for months, years? He was so proud of her stroke, and the strength she had in her. He hoped that the force would serve him to wake up quickly. Michael left his thoughts but the doctor brought him back to reality. Dr: If your daughter worries me more. M: Why? Dr: She was the first to have suffered the explosion, shock, burns. It is burned on almost all of the body in the second degree. She was thrown against a hard wall, and its various organs have suffered. Burning has worsened his condition. We managed to stabilize, which is a good point. But the coming days will be decisive, according to developments. We were forced to dive into a coma so she does not suffer. Michael did not know what to do, what to say, he looked around, breathed. Dr: Im sorry. If you want, I can take you to see them. M: I do not mind. They left the office. Michael heard his cell phone ringing. M: Yes hello? E: Dad, its Emmalin. M: Emmalin, honey, where are you? E: Im at the airport. M: Im stuck in the hospital, Im about to go see your sister and your mother. Denise, who was not far away came to see what was happening. D: Is everything okay? M: Emmalin arrived and I must go and see Amanda and Claudia Joy. D: Look, I finished my service in 5 minutes, Ill do it. M: Thank you Denise. D: Youre seeing. M: If you could prepare him something to eat. D: No worries, go ahead. Michael followed the doctor arrived at Amandas room. It was hard to recognize her daughter. He approached. Dr: We can not stay too long, so as not to tire. Michael put a hand to his mouth and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. M: My poor little heart. Dr: Its constants are stable. M: How was he able to produce? Michael held the hand of his daughter in his. This girl he had not seen the birth but he compensated by great love and great affection towards her. It is with Amanda he could learn and know the relationship of a girl with her father. Was very painful for him to stand there in front of the bed of his eldest daughter. The doctor explained that he had to get out. It could stay longer with Claudia Joy. Room latter was next to that of Amanda. Upon entering, saw Michael as Claudia asleep. He found her beautiful and sketched a faint smile. Dr: As you can see, she breathes alone, without respiratory assistance. I leave you with her. Know she can hear you. M: Thank you Doctor. Michael found himself alone, facing the bed where Claudia was. He came and took her hand. M: Claudia, what were you doing in this bar? You must have been already gone far with Amanda and at this time there. Why you stopped? What for? I feel so scared. Im afraid of losing you Claudia. I beg you, hold on, beat up. Do not forget that I love you more than anything, I need you. Michael stood for long minutes with Claudia, talking to him. He avoided talking to him Amanda, yet each had to fight for herself so that they come in both. But it must be time to leave. He kissed the hand of Claudia, and gave him a lock of hair behind her ear. He kissed her on the forehead. M: I love you. Michael came in with a last look at Claudia. At the door, he found an escort of soldiers, who had to bring it back to Headquarters for a point based on the investigation. At the same time, the Joan press conference was begun.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 22:39:48 +0000

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