“Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl could be entitled to about $300,000 in back - TopicsExpress


“Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl could be entitled to about $300,000 in back pay and special compensation following his release as a Taliban prisoner, experts say.” military/daily-news/2014/06/04/bergdahl-could-receive-300k-in-retroactive-pay.html The alleged deserter stands to sit very pretty finically…..Wait stop the presses he is no longer an ‘alleged deserter’. Now he is charged by the U.S. Army for desertion. Now I know the Liberal outcry will be: ‘Being charged with desertion is not ‘convicted’ of desertion.’ Trying to endlessly avoid facts as is their want and protecting both this criminal and the criminal in the White house, that aided and abetted this ‘Combat Zone’ deserter, has been their goal since the illegal Presidential prisoner trade deal. GOOOD Morning DC, the White house, America and that that fiddling zero with fewer brains than Nero: Barrier, the aiding and abetting a military criminal, Derrière. Good morning Your Buttocks, I do hope you’re up at the crack of dawn to read this piece or at least that Iranian, Seventies Troll Doll, reject you let run the White house reads it. Seems you keep back real winners Barry; traitors, deserters, liars, incompetents, Communist, Marxists, Socialist and Muslim terrorist; it is said by the wise: “One can tell all about a man by the people who surround him.” Did I miss anyone, oh yeah; race baiters and not just any race baiters, the master baiters of race. Gives new meaning to the blind leading the blind when related in the context; no? Perhaps you need to have them incite more riots Barry, to distract every one from Bergdahl’s Court-martial. Yes, all you Liberal, hippie civilians, Military Law is a tad different than District, State, or Federal Courts; being ‘charged’ is defined by having enough evidence to convict and sentence, in this case, Bowe Bergdahl of a crime. He is a low-life, deserter and your defense of him was not only misguided but has now been proven; dead wrong. So Bowe will not be ‘passing Go’, he will not be collecting his back pay or benefits and he will not treated as a ‘victim’ any longer. Tell them what else Bowe has won Nuda! As cowardice, desertion and insubordination are purely military crimes and not of a Criminal or Civil nature Bowe will be subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). In my perspective as a Veteran; Bowe is guilty of all three military crimes and lives were lost as a direct result of his ‘desertion’; so let’s focus on that. From the Joint Service Committee on Military Justice (2012). Article 85—Desertion. Manual for Courts-Martial United States (2012 Edition). Fort Belvoir, Virginia: United States Army Publishing Directorate. pp. IV–10 – IV–13: “Personnel are dropped from their unit rolls after thirty days and then listed as deserters; however, as a matter of U.S. military law, desertion is not measured by time away from the unit, but rather: By leaving or remaining absent from their unit, organization, or place of duty, where there has been a determined intent to not return; if that intent is determined to be to avoid hazardous duty or shirk contractual obligation; if they enlist or accept an appointment in the same or another branch of service without disclosing the fact that they have not been properly separated from current service.” It should be noted that those who are away for fewer than thirty days but can credibly be shown to have no intent to return (for example, by joining the armed forces of another country) may nevertheless be tried for desertion. In rare occasions, they may be tried for treason if enough evidence is found. I’m banking on treason here because we already have confirmed evidence and testimony of Bowe’s having no intent to return; we have evidence and testimony of his actual search to locate and ‘join’ the enemy and we have a President alleged, that if Bowe is sentenced with the maximum of treason, who facilitated, aided and abetted in the covering up of Bowes crimes against this Nation. Not to mention a President alleged that trades five known terrorist for one cowardly, deserting, insubordinate, traitor. Well at least we will be saving several hundred thousand dollars not having to give him his back pay or will we? “Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) revealed the ransom payment in a Nov. 5 letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. The congressman noted that the DoD’s Joint Special Operations Command delivered the payment, but it was stolen by the “intermediary” who claimed to represent the hostage takers, the report adds. “Given the significance of this matter, as well as the fact that Pentagon officials have denied that a payment was even considered — and you also said you were unaware of any such attempt — I ask you to immediately inquire with JSOC to determine the specific order of events,” Hunter stated. Bergdahl was ultimately released after the Obama administration agreed to release five terrorists from Guantanamo Bay. The explosive report comes one day after White House press secretary Josh Earnest said President Barack Obama believes that it’s “not in the best interest of American citizens to pay ransoms to any organization, let alone a terrorist organization.” “Someone paid a ransom,” North said. “Whether the Qataris paid it, or some big oil sheikh, or somebody used our petrodollars, but there was a ransom paid in cash for each one of them, my guess somewhere in the round numbers of $5 [million] or $6 million to get Bergdahl freed.” “President Barack Obama and senior administration officials have been eager to characterize Bergdahl’s release as a standard exchange of prisoners of war, but some critics have argued it amounted to negotiating with terrorists and could encourage more attempts to abduct American troops. California Congressman Duncan Hunter, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, claims that the Obama Administration paid ransom for Bergdahl release, according to a letter the Congressman sent to the Pentagon. Bergdahl, who deserted his post in 2009, was held for five years before the Obama administration traded five Taliban terrorists to secure the release of Bergdahl. Congressman Hunter is charging the US military unsuccessfully attempted to secure the release of Bowe Bergdahl by making a cash payment earlier this year. In a letter to the Pentagon released last Wednesday, Representative Hunter said a payment was made to an Afghan intermediary early this year to help secure the May 31 release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held for nearly five years by the Haqqani Network in Pakistan, which is classified as a terrorist organization.” So what you need to take from all that “DC Double Talk” is this: “DoD’s Joint Special Operations Command delivered the payment, but it was stolen by the “intermediary” who claimed to represent the hostage takers, the report adds.” So we lost somewhere between 1 and 6 million dollars, 5 dangerous terrorist, not to mention all the military lives lost in the search for Bowe and the civilian lives lost due to the release of the said terrorist; all of which are no longer in Qatar and have joined up with ISIS or other affiliates. To the US Congress and the Senate: If you cannot see this as a clear case of the President, aiding, giving comfort and support to the enemy; then each of you as Representatives are culpable and potentially guilty of treason against your own nation as well. I’m a citizen and as such; I do have both the authority and duty to indict you in a crime if I witness it. I won’t be wasting time with ‘citizen’s arrests’. I’ve always operated in a ‘no prisoners’ capacity unless my orders were specifically targeted to collect subject for interrogation. Failure to act immediately is an admission and a confession of your guilt in my book; so forget the defense lawyer and save your money; you’ll need something to burn to keep warm on the run. While we haven’t ‘hung’ for treason is some time; I would recommend that the United States Army, subject the President to the Uniform Code of Military Justice as Commander and Chief. If reasonable evidence of intent cannot be found; then immediate removal from rank, by reason of pure incompetence in performance of said office. Seriously, this travesty must end; one way or another it will and failure for you Representatives, Officers, Law Enforcement and Federal Agencies to honor your Oaths; the blood will cover your and the hands of your family to the end of your line. Remember Samuel Alexander Mudd M.D.? All your names will be cursed as Mudd, if you do nothing. So you idiots in DC understand; this letter is not a ‘threat’, I would never be so foolish as to telegraph my intentions or even make a boast of them; I was just relating some of my history to you. Food for thought, if you will, from just one of the many peasants tired of eating cake. Unlike Bowe we aren’t cowardly deserters but we are realizing quickly, that we have indeed nothing to lose by acting, if you don’t.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:49:04 +0000

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