Share Fellow patriot, Almost exactly one - TopicsExpress


Share Fellow patriot, Almost exactly one year ago, the enemies of our country conspired with the usual liberal fools to have the national flag of this country removed from Belfast City Hall where it had flown continuously for over 100 years. It had survived revolution, the Blitz, the IRA thirty-year bombing campaign but it could not survive the PC liberals in cahoots with Sinn Fein! As you can imagine, the taking down of our glorious flag caused great hurt and anguish especially as so many people had given their lives for it in recent in OUR Northern Ireland. Thousands of coffins made the last journey to the grave, draped in the old red, white and blue, and that is why so many people felt betrayed and insulted, even humiliated, by the removal of our lawful national flag from Belfast City Hall. COMETH THE HOUR, COMETH THE MAN! As normal, decent people poured onto the streets to peacefully protest they needed a voice to articulate their concerns in a sensible non-aggressive way. No more the days of violence and strife, the people simply wanted justice and a man to speak up for them - enter our very own Jim Dowson. Jim ,48, father of eight (four surviving) and grandfather of five, was thrust to the forefront of the flag protests through his deep love of his country, people and flag. He was the voice at City Hall each week with a few other good men and was seen almost every day across Ulster in towns and villages where good and decent people were demonstrating to have our flag reinstated. The unionist/loyalist/protestant people of Ulster are our flesh and blood, our compatriots, our countrymen, and our kinsmen - that is why Britain First stood firmly behind the people of Ulster. IN THE FRONTLINE DEFENDING OUR COUNTRY! The region of Ulster has NEVER been part of the nation of Ireland (Eire) - it is the ancient homeland of the Scots tribe, the same tribe who crossed the seas in ancient times and settled the land they gave their name to: Scotland. As we know, things can often get out of hand in Belfast especially when emotions are running high, but again Jim never once shirked his responsibilities as a responsible patriot. The police chief called on men of good will to do all they could to calm the situation and Jim heeded that plea and was often seem on the TV news in the thick of serious rioting, appealing for calm and putting himself between opposing factions to restore order and to keep the protests peaceful and lawful. As the weeks turned into months, all through last winter the protests continued to grow, every night across Ulster thousands of respectable people took to the streets to voice their deep hurt and anger at the removal of our Union flag and Jim was asked to speak in every town and village. Despite the snow, hail, rain and gales, Jim never once refused a request. THE POWERS THAT BE SHOW THEIR TRUE COLOURS! He even made sure his children attended no matter the conditions or size of the crowd, from 10 people to 5,000, Jim supported every peaceful protest he could. Then on Friday 1st of March, he was asked to speak at a lawful lunchtime gathering at Belfast City Hall. Tensions were high and Jim liaised with the police and appealed for calm, the police inspector thanked him for his assistance and wisdom and the rally ended peacefully with no problems whatsoever. However, as Jim, his wife and young son, travelled towards his home town outside Belfast, he was intercepted by six armoured vehicles, and five motor cycle cops, in all, over thirty heavily armed police surrounded his car, dragged him out, guns drawn, machine guns in his face in front of his six year old boy and threw him into a heavily armoured vehicle and took him to jail. All the more shocking as Jims speech that day appeared on the main news channels and every word was conciliatory, peaceful and strongly warned against breaking the law, yet despite this he was dragged off at gun point like an Al Qaeda terror suspect. WELCOME TO THE UK POLICE STATE Jim was interrogated for hours in a secure anti-terror cell block and then appeared at a specially convened Saturday court the following day. Jim was then taken to the maximum security terrorist prison in Northern Ireland before miraculously being bailed by a sympathetic judge despite the protestations of the police. Incredibly, Jim was the first man in the country to be charged with two counts under the serious crime act brought out to stop Islamic hate preachers! Northern Ireland was aghast by this and by the most draconian bail conditions ever handed out. Jim was effectively under close house arrest, no telephones, mobiles, computers, pen drives, memory cards, cameras etc. were allowed in the Dowson house or on the property - even the post man was banned from driving up his lane as he had a mobile phone! Some of Jims older children with young babies had to move out causing great hard-ship and suffering. Jims business was almost bankrupted as he could no longer function without phones or computers and to top it all he was refused ANY access to legal aid despite the seriousness of the charges. TIME TO HIGHLIGHT THIS OUTRAGEOUS INJUSTICE I have been in the Dowson family home many times and had to leave my phone and computer in the car 100 yards away and have seen the conditions imposed on this family, conditions that would make Stalin blush, yet the media and press are silent on this case which is perhaps one of the worst and most blatant abuses of power ever to have been seen in the UK in modern times. Because Jim is a un-bending British patriot, white, conservative and Christian, no one seems to care and that is the really dangerous thing, because if the powers that be can get away with this with Jim Dowson, who will be next? So, what can be done? Well, Jim has only asked for people to highlight his case. He asks us to write to your own MP to look into this, share his story with as many people as possible and to keep the public eye on his situation. If the eyes of the world are on his case he stands a far better chance of receiving a fair trial and real justice but if it continues to be blacked out...we all fear the worst for him and his family. PUTTING JIMS LIFE, AND HIS FAMILY, AT RISK! Let me explain just how bad it is: Jim had a very good security system around his property as he has had death threats several years ago and Ulster is a dangerous place. Since he became a high profile figure in the flag protests the police have advised him about several threats upon his life yet raided Jims home and took AWAY his CCTV cameras and security system and would have left him defenceless from attack had it not been for his local friends and neighbours. You have to ask yourself: Why would they do this? Another very sinister development is the insistence by the Police and prosecution services that Jim was THE main organizer of these protests despite the fact that the groups responsible are on TV and in newspapers claiming responsibility! Even more disturbing is the removal of ALL references to these groups from the official Police transcripts of Jims Interview.....why? GIVING POLITICALLY CORRECT GROUPS A CLEAR RUN Well, these groups are, despite claiming to be patriots, aligned to certain politically correct leftwing loyalist organisations who are imbedded within the corrupt establishment and all parties may see Jim Dowson as a convenient scapegoat. I am sure you get the picture by now and the question is: What will we do to support this brave and unyielding patriot? The Dowson family has ever let down Britain First, our people, flag or cause, and now its our turn to make sure we do not let these hunted patriots down either. As of this week, all serious charges against every single other leading flag protest speaker have been dropped......but Jim has had another three added! Jimmy Dowson has refused to bow the knee when the chips were really down, we can all talk the talk but this man is walking the walk - lets make sure he is no longer alone! Please visit our Facebook page and SHARE and LIKE the posts relating to Jim Dowson and his ordeal at the hands of our enemies: https://facebook/britainfirstGB Yours sincerely Paul Golding Chairman, Britain First Britain First, PO Box 119, Swanley, Kent, BR8 9DY - 0208 914 8212 - (C) Britannia Campaigning Ltd (Reg NI607513), Centre house, 79 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JE - Unsubscribe
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 19:31:09 +0000

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