~Sharpen Your Observation Skills~ IN this fast paced society - TopicsExpress


~Sharpen Your Observation Skills~ IN this fast paced society where everyone is in a hurry, observation is a sorely lacking skill. We have become self absorbed, oblivious to anything until it hits us on the head. Recent events(bombings) in Nigeria has caused us to sit up and be more observant and security conscious but what about other areas of our life. How well do you know yourself, business, job and the people in your life? How well are you attuned to your environment? Be more observant Personally observation is not my strong suit. I’ve had this conversation and it’s variations with people a lot of times “Did you see that?” To which i would reply “No, what was it?” I would walk down the road engrossed in my thoughts, not minding the people or happenings in my immediate environment. This happened for years until i made a decision to always be observant. I needed to change because observation of people and situations is one skill that is critical to success in relationships, business and life in general. The most successful people have a very keen sense of observation. Why is it necessary and valuable? It gives you the ability to notice subtle cues in conversation, behavior or environment, and act accordingly. You can quickly size up a situation and act accurately. Also in observing, you learn from the mistakes and successes of others and yourself thus growing in wisdom. Wisdom is every where even in the most unusual of places – your peers, family, friends, nature, mentors, movies, books anywhere, and for you to see it readily, you have to learn to observe. People notice when you are observant and this favorably influences their opinion of you. There is more to observation than just noticing small details or that something is out of place, although those are important. It is the perception of what you see. It is understanding and doing something with the information you got, and it is a skill that can honed by anyone. Here are some tips that will help you. It certainly helped me. Enjoy. Care more. Caring about something or someone pushes you to notice the little details and do something about them. Decide to be more observant and practice it. Remember practice makes perfect. Let go of the past. Stop dwelling on past failures, accomplishments, tragedies or the “good old days.” Focusing solely on the past stops you from seeing the things happening now. Be alert and present. Look, listen and observe what’s going on presently in your life. Pay attention to the world around you, what is going on in your head(thoughts), relationships and business. Keen observation skills See things as they are and not how you want them to be. Strive for more knowledge and understanding of how things work. It will make you more interesting and well rounded. Think about what you see, read and ask questions. Listen to what you feel even if you can’t explain why. If you suddenly feel danger when you’re on your way to your car, chances are your instincts are right. Don’t ignore it because you can’t see the danger. When in doubt ask someone. Remember details of what you observe and do something about it Be self aware. Know your strengths, weaknesses, habits and their triggers. Also know people’s perception about you. But it’s important to not cross the line into being self obsessed. Develop your five senses. Look at nature, smell the flowers, savor your food, listen to good music etc Meditate. Ponder on trusted references. Think and look for areas to apply them in your life. “You never know what you might learn, who you might meet or what might happen. So make it a habit to be mindful of everything.” Comments are welcome.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:07:57 +0000

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