*She didnt even listen to the rest of what Tohr said as she ended - TopicsExpress


*She didnt even listen to the rest of what Tohr said as she ended the call and took off towards the medical center. Why did her legs never carry her fast enough through the mansion when she needed them to? Finally making it to the medical center entrance she stood in the hallway, trying to calm herself. At least he was conscious and able to answer his own phone but he was still injured and bad enough to need Jane. As she got closer to the open door she took several deep breaths before entering. The smell of copper filled her senses and it was enough to make her heart race again and her breathing difficult. As she entered the room she saw both John Matthew and her hellren. JM was sitting on a chair that looked like it was about to collapse under his massive body, head leaning against the wall and his eyes were closed. Tohr was stretched out on bed and Ehlena was examining his leg. His arm was laid across his eyes and by the way he was grinding his teeth she knew he was in a lot of pain. She eased her way across the room, taking the hand that was clutching the side of the bed in a death grip, she squeezed it gently and whispered into his ear before he had a chance to remove his arm from across his eyes.* Im here my male.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:59:34 +0000

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