**Simulated Interview** Christopher Ervin: good evening ladies - TopicsExpress


**Simulated Interview** Christopher Ervin: good evening ladies and gentleman. In the wake of recent events, my guest this evening is Baltimore city mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake. Good evening Madame Mayor. Thank you for joining us. SRB: Good evening and thank you for having me. CE: Madame Mayor, lets begin by addressing recent events. Congressional hearings were held this week on the federal 1033 program in light of the events in Ferguson, Missouri. Do you support this program? SRB: I believe that we should support the needs of our police departments as outlined by the chiefs. CE: well, along those lines, on a number of occasions, Commissioner Batts has said that he supports body and dash cams for officers. Why isnt that happening if you support the needs outlined by your chief? SRB: You were asking about Ferguson. CE: Ok, well in response to the killing of unarmed Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer. Blackout Monday was to begin this past Monday. There seems to be some issue with support for black business in Baltimore, Md. There seems to be very little cooperation with black minority contractors and this administration in this 60 plus percent black city. Do YOU in fact, support black business, and thus, black people? Did you support the Blackout? SRB: ......I support the issues of black people and domestic violence is one of them. The Ravens handled the Ray Rice situation appropriately and more black boys could stand to learn from this tragedy. CE: If you feel THAT strongly about domestic violence, why did you hire the present commissioner who has a documented history in his last jurisdiction of the same type of charges? SRB: Im sorry but this is about Ray Rice. Commissioner Batts has a distinguished history. CE: Yes, distinguished by being the first Chief that I know of to be prohibited from carrying a firearm at the beginning of his tenure here. SRB: Adrian Peterson was indicted today by a grand jury as well. This violence in the black community is out of control. CE: Excuse me, but what does that have to do with The events in Ferguson or the congressional hearings? The issue in Ferguson, Baltimore and increasingly more areas is addressing police brutality. Do you see an issue with police brutality in your city? SRB: what I see is an issue with self respect, low education and a lack of fathers in the house. People want to get on the commissioner because he made a promise to catch the killer of a 3 year old girl, but I blame the community. We have the shooter, but we dont have anything on him. Hes being held for something else and we can only charge him one time. Somebody knows something in the community and isnt talking, so the whole community is guilty. CE: are you saying that how someone dresses, or sees themself, or whether or not their father was in the home is somehow just cause for a police officer to beat or even kill them? SRB:.........Dont you take commercial breaks? **The above simulated interview never took place and is the sole property of this page and its creator. If you wish to share or otherwise replicate its existence, express permission is required by Christopher Ervin and is limited to a single replication. No single granting acts as a continued permission to replicate in perpetuity.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:14:33 +0000

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