(Since my ex is ranting on me, lets see about what he thinks about - TopicsExpress


(Since my ex is ranting on me, lets see about what he thinks about the truth) Lets see. I supposed to have acted like a child. Lets get to the ground basics. My ex wouldnt come out of his room because of his Computer, X-Box, Playstation, Television, Toy Trucks, RC Helicopters, and a few other things, and he thinks hes man enough to call me a kid? Yes, I am young at heart, but Im no child. I put the responsibilities of my bills first (Which he didnt), which is why Im in the hole now. He always kept my bankings account in the negative because of, I want this, I want that and because of my good nature, I let him do it. He didnt know how to set his priorities from the most important, to the not important. I had to struggle to pay all the bills when he didnt work for 3 years, and kept us up. Ive done a pretty good damn job of it too. When he did work, I made sure he had a meal on the table as soon as he got home, clothes washed, and house cleaned. Ive taken up for him, putting my own life in danger because I cared and loved him, which wasnt enough or appreciated. He has no room to talk, because I can blurt out a lot of things that he done to me that wasnt appropriate. But, Im a woman, and I wont rant and blurt out all of the personal problems that we had. If he was any type of man, he wouldnt be speaking bad of me. Ive not said one word bad about him to anyone, but evidently hes starting to rant on me and call me things that isnt appropriate. Also, if someone cant accept my best friend and sister, theres to many men out there whod like a woman like me. So, no matter what he says, isnt going to get me down. Its going through one ear, and out the other. I know he has me blocked, but Im sure this message will get to him somehow because of some back stabbers on my page which some will be removed. So, Im warning you ahead of time. If youre removed from my page, you know why. IM TIRED OF DRAMA. I WONT LET DRAMA IN MY HOUSE NOR MY FACEBOOK. SO GET OVER IT. STOP HARASSING ME!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 00:40:58 +0000

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