#SipsTea Pay close attention to what #LupeFiasco tells #Sway on - TopicsExpress


#SipsTea Pay close attention to what #LupeFiasco tells #Sway on #SwayInTheMorning about a bit of KNOWledge the homie #CornelWest dropped on him one day about the #Communist in chief #husseinObama, Lupe doesnt quite reveal what Cornel told him but it was years ago and it was enough to inspire Lupe to speak with CONVICTION against what he blatantly sees as corruption and the purposeful intention and goal of dismantling the beacon of true liberty in the world and a populace of #wethepeople that expresses sentiments of #classicalliberal #classicliberal #libertarian #constitutionalist people with maximum sustained liberty and responsibility not a #liberal government that operates as a #totalitarian #socialist imposed system that BARELY utilizes a democratic process from a non participating voter demographic of #LowInformationVoters that have diluted that political process and turned it into a career long position of corporate corruption, lobbyist inspired payoffs and global infiltration by a #centralbank system controlled by the top 10% of the 1% that have been dubbed the #NWO or globalist that believe in a classist society that separates and divides territories and people as resources LOOK IT UP its called #Agenda21 just one of the many imposed regulations puppets like #obama have supported world wide and the #progressive movement has ranking members of the #republican and #democrat party theatrically defying one another to create a sense of division....whilst WE THE PEOPLE create faceless campaigns such as the #TeaParty and the likes of #anonymous that was responsible for pushing the release of Lupes new album #TetsuoAndYouth...when more and more REAL civil rights leaders such as LUPE begin to sound like #GlennBeck...makes you want to reference that age old description about how good will begin to look like evil and evil will begin to look like good...whats right and wrong will see role reversal and the populace will easily be subjected to believing such.. something like that sounds familiar right? #revelation but I digress...If you have to ask WHAT DO YOU MEAN or What has obama done? go listen to Lupe Fiasco new song Chopper medical card from Obama, background check for my chopper... what kind logic does that make? The government gives me care but requires me to be processed in order to purchase inalienable protection, a most basic human freedom to bare arms? I got ya...or perhaps we can speak again when gas is back to 4 dollars by the end of the year....EASY. Not to mention right after a Saudi Arabian king just died and $1.69 RECORD LOW from the KING of America to $1.89 in less than 3 days?? But Barry Soetoro (obama) claims hes assisted in driving costs at the pump down and saving families money? When hes directly, LIKE VIVIDLY opposed American oil independence? In the form of executive memorandums such as the one imposed in Alaska at a major drilling site. #DoubleSpeak is being deployed and implemented heavily...words change meaning and meanings change words...Liberal people or a Liberal government, could have sworn socialism and communism support the latter. Give me liberty, inalienable rights and the the REAL way of #MLK to SILENTLY speak and OVERstand and Overstand again till THEY do. FNF Army tho...
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:44:30 +0000

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