(So Ive just finished season one of 24, and couldnt help but - TopicsExpress


(So Ive just finished season one of 24, and couldnt help but wonder...what if Kim was a badass like her dad? My point is: who wants to do a Taken style RP? Id be the daughter. And, although I normally prefer it if people make their own character, but someone could be the father. Other than what I state, youd have free reign on how he is personally, and the details of his background, as long as hes the badass, ex-military type. Because of dynamics, Im only keeping this open to at most two others. Rules: - stick to group rules - other than if you chose to be the father, or the uncle, be a completely original character [not one of the kidnappers, unless you from the start plan on helping the protagonist...youd die, otherwise] - no magic, or tech more advanced beyond what is realistic now - try to be sensible [anything but dark humour would fit the tone] - no smut - ask before joining BREAK THE RULES, AND FACE DEATH BY DEUS EX MACHINA) --- Name: Alisa Darrow Age: 24 (born September 19th, 1990) Physical Description: Average height, lean build, fair complexion, shoulder length copper hair - tied back with loose fringe, green eyes Occupation: Analyst at Darrow & Miller Logistics, former US Navy Technician --- December 15th, 2014 - 2138 hrs Miss Darrow, a tall, thick limbed man started, thumbing through what looked like a portfolio. Born on the nineteenth of September, nineteen ninety to Gregory Darrow, and Emily Miller in San Francisco. Mother died of illness fifteen years ago, father is alive and well. He glanced down to where Alisa was sat, then turned to one of his two accomplices, Call the boss, we have her. He let his arms fall to his side, which gave her a brief glance of the contents of his folder. There was information about her: her name, date of birth, physical description, occupation, place of residence, and what looked like accounts of her recent activity. All topped of by the small picture of her face that was stapled to the top right corner of the front page. The picture, to her mind, made the written description completely superfluous. But these men seemed the kind to take every detail into account. She fought slightly with the twist tie binding her wrists. No give. From where she was sat, she could see the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the street below. She was only a few stories up, if she could get to them she might be able to get someones attention. Though that was likely to get her shot; through the dark BDUs that the men were wearing, she could see the slight outlines of blocky handguns. Likely glocks, or something very square like one. And, from experience, she knew that acting antagonistically would likely lead to her missing a few teeth. Or gaining a few new holes. So, for the time being, shed have to just go along with what was happening, and look for some kind of opening along the way. As she turned back, she was greeted by the welcoming face of the stocky man, who grabbed her under one arm, hoisting her to her feet, which they hadnt bound. What, no screaming, fighting? He grinned. He was trying to rile her, was he looking for a reason to hit her? Or was she just being biased? Either way, she was set on not giving him what he wanted. So, her face completely impassive, she looked him in the eyes, You know who my father is, right? The question was entirely rhetorical, of course they knew. She assumed that she was going to be held ransom. Her fathers company had a lot of money. But if they thought that her father or Eric Miller, her uncle, would pay a cent without trying another way first, they hadnt done their research as well as they smugly thought. The stocky man didnt reply, but tightened his grip around her arm, hauling her towards the door. One of his men exited first, scanning the hallway, followed by Alisa and the stocky man, then the final accomplice. As she passed through the doorway, she noticed the scratches on the inside of the frame, where the lock caught. The building manager must have run out of funds when it came to security; good locks couldnt be so easily hard-hacked. She expected to be dragged down, but instead they took the stairs upwards. The roof? She knew that the buildings roof was big enough to accommodate a small helicopter...but she hadnt heard one land. And, as far as she knew, it was illegal to take off, unauthorised, from a rooftop in Manhattan. But she guessed these men werent ones for following the rules.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:53:01 +0000

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