“So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father - TopicsExpress


“So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom. (Luke 12:32 NLT) So many people view tithing and sowing as a sort of punishment. They think of the principles/standards in the Bible are setup by God as a type of obstacle course. Like they are there as hurdles for us to jump over or overcome. But in reality they are spring boards to hurl us into blessing and fullness of life. Every principle God has established in the Kingdom and everything He tells us to do is there to position us for blessing. It makes God happy to see us prospering and being blessed. *Hes not try to keep us from it, His trying to propel us into it. He wants us blessed more than we want to be blessed. I think about seeing our family or friends in a competition..... Football game, dance competition... whatever it may be. One someone I care about succeeds or has a victory, it makes me happy. I remember watching my cousin play football.... when hed make a tackle or his team scored I cheered like a maniac. His success brought me joy. How much more is God overjoyed when He sees us following His plan/guidelines and accessing all that He provided for us thru Jesus. Can you imagine having great riches stored up for your children or loved ones. You had a safety deposit box at a bank in New York full of jewels, money...everything that person would need to set them financially for the rest of their life. Then you tell them its available, you place the key to the safety deposit box, the number, the address of the bank, a map to the bank all before them. Then you give them a car to drive and all they have to do is take the information and tools youve given them and actually go to New York...... what if they said no, thats too much work. Thanks, but Id rather stay where I am. REALLY?!?!?!?!?! How sad and upsetting that would be. Yet people do that to God everyday. He paid a high price of His Son on the cross to provide us with everything wed need (not just salvation, but healing, wealth, joy, peace, happiness, etc) yet so many people refuse to access it for various reasons. Lets not be one of those who refuse blessing by being unwilling to do what it takes to position ourselves to receive. Lets make God happy and step in to all He has for us.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:59:43 +0000

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