•So while I’m here in my body, and you’re here in your body, - TopicsExpress


•So while I’m here in my body, and you’re here in your body, we are not with the Lord, we are not in the realm of the spirit; we are in this physical world. •So the spirit realm cannot be naturally seen or felt, so while I can touch your body (my hand touch your arm), I can touch your soul with words (you can feel that, I can say words to make you feel good, or say words to make you feel sad, or words that make you angry or words that hurt you, your Soul can be touched in this physical realm), but you cannot touch your spirit, or see or touch the spiritual realm while you are in this physical body, unless God opens your eyes up, like he did a few people in the bible. •The only way to perceive spiritual truth then, is through the Word of God. (King James Bible) ST John 6:63,”It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” •So the Word of God is the only way to perceive (to become aware of, to know, to recognize, understand) spiritual truth. •The Word of God is what makes us aware of spiritual things. So it is only by our belief and faith in the Word of God, that we have any understanding in the spiritual realm. •Subtract the Word of God from this equation, and we are stuck in a physical, natural, carnal, understanding with no contact to spiritual things. •The Word of God is the key to the successful operation that we have in life. (King James Bible) James 1:23-25, “For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” •Just like you go into your bathroom, or bedroom, and you look into a mirror, and you behold a reflection of your natural body, now you have never looked directly at your natural body, that’s a reflection in the mirror that is not you. Your eyes have never popped out and turned around and looked at you, straight at your body. •So you have never seen, looked at your body, accept what you can see with your eyes (still in your head), looking at other parts of your body (arms, hands, foot, legs ect…), but you have never looked eye ball to eye ball at your body. •What you see in the mirror is a reflection, I know it’s not the real you, because that reflection cannot be touched. •It’s just a reflection, but you have grown to trust that reflection, the reflection shows you that a hair is out of place, and you trust it enough to put the hair in place. •Well so the bible likens this thing, like that mirror will show you a reflection of your naturally, physical body, so the bible is like a mirror, it’s like a glass, that when you look in the bible, it will show you a true reflection of your spirit. NOTE: When you get born again, your spirit man has changed completely. •So you want to know what does my spirit man look like now, well, when you look in the bible, you are looking at a reflection of your spirit man. •When you got born again, the part of you that got born again was your spirit. Your spirit man was completely and totally changed, it was made perfect, it was made mature, it was completely and totally changed exactly like Jesus and not your soul or your body, but your spirit was. So if you want to know what your spirit man look like after you got born again, open the bible up and that’s exactly how you look like. •You keep looking at your performance in your soul and your body (not living a perfect life, or didn’t do that right), the bible is a reflection of the perfect part of you which is your spirit. •One third of you is perfect; one third of you is just like God. That part of you, the day you got saved, and your spirit became perfect, flawless, mature, and that is the part that looks just like God the day you got saved. (King James Bible) 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; “ •God is making reference to your born again spirit. So every born again believer has gone through a complete inner transformation. •Which means, your spirit man right now is as perfect, mature, and complete as Jesus himself. •Now that you are born again, you are not in the process of trying to get anything from God; everything you will ever need in the Christian life is already present in its entirety, in YOUR SPIRIT. •The day you got born again, you and God, you and the Holy Ghost (which is God’s spirit) were married. Now that you got born again, the spirit of God moved in your spirit, so you and the spirit of God are one. When God became one with your spirit, he released everything in HIM…. in you. •So you are trying to get something from him, but everything of him, he has already given to you. So it’s not a matter of trying to get something from him, it’s a matter of recognizing what you already got!!!!!!! •You in bondage, lack, sick and asking God to help you, and he says I already gave it to you; you just need to know how to access it…..continue..
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 22:45:22 +0000

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