..Somebody else view on Casteism and Share if Right otherwise - TopicsExpress


..Somebody else view on Casteism and Share if Right otherwise ignore... Horrible Information for Sickulars : Christianity ….One Christ, One Bible Religion… But the Latin Catholic will not enter Syrian Catholic Church. These two will not enter Marthoma Church . These three will not enter Pentecost Church . These four will not enter Salvation Army Church. These five will no enter Seventh Day Adventist Church . These six will not enter Orthodox Church. These seven will not enter Jacobite church. Like this there are 146 castes in Kerala alone for Christianity, each will never share their churches for fellow Christians! How shameful..! One Christ, One Bible, One Jehova??? Now Muslims..! One Allah, One Quran, One Nebi....! Great unity? Among Muslims, Shia and Sunni kill each other in all Muslim countries. The religious riot in most Muslim countries is always between these two sects. The Shia will not go to Sunni Mosque. These two will not go to Ahamadiya Mosque. These three will not go to Sufi Mosque. These four will not go to Mujahiddin mosque. Like this it appears there are 13 castes in Muslims. Killing/bombing/conquering/ massacring/... each other! American attack on Iraq was fully supported by all Muslim countries surrounding Iraq ! One Allah, One Quran, One Nebi....???? Hindus - They have 1,280 Religious Books, 10,000 Commentaries, more than one lakh sub-commentaries for these foundation books, innumerable presentations of one God, variety of Aacharyas, thousands of Rishies, hundreds of languages. Still they all go to All TEMPLES and they are peaceful and tolerant and seek unity with others by inviting them to worship with them whatever God they wish to pray for! Hindus never quarrelled one another for the last ten thousand years in the name of religion. (Bloody wars like Karbala in the past etc bet. Shia Sunni and still that war is continues from past even today what ISIS (Whahabis & Sunnis) etc doing with Shias)) Why??? Because we believe in SARVE JANAH SUKHINO BHAVANTHU But Irony is Still today Evils of Casteism still exists especially in Rural areas of country and it is a Social and Finanacial Evil in Sanatan Dharam that the major reason for lack of Unity among Hindus.. Castes were based on Professions only.. But with time in it Social and Financial Differences came up.. (In the past) Social - Lack of Respect, equal Rights etc Financial - LACK of new avenues for more earning, to change profession etc But now things have Drastically changed among Hindus.. Evil of Casteism is Dying or Ending Day by Day due to awareness and awakening among Hindus plus due to various laws and constitutional arrangement provided by Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Ji like Reservation benefits etc to protect their Fundamental Rights (but now Creamy layer is dimand of time so that benefit of reservation goes to poor hindus first like in OBC) Bhim Ji accepted Buddhism instead of Christainy and Islam when every religious leaders were asking them to accept it.. But they choose Indian Born religion Buddhism instead of outside one. We Hindus would have become Minority long back ago due to mass conversion started at that time but everyone who read all the books like Vedas etc knows that Sanatan Dharam is the oldest and best religion in the world but some of their Leaders or implementers or Dharam ka Thakadar were wrong.. Even today.. Doctors, Researchers , Scientists, IAS, Businessman etc r Top profession in our Society and each one of them prefer spouse from their same profession especially in Arrange marriages BEC. Of convenience of similarity.. which was in the past too... Casteism will never die but it will change its Form and Shape from time to time.. But Casteism becomes Evil when Caste became By Birth Tags in our Sanatan Dharam.. Now People have changed their profession as per their Interest and availability but still Birth Tags of caste r not removed whether Good (Upper caste) or Bad (Lower caste).. Sufferer is the bad one only in terms of Social Status... Can a Son or Daughter of a Doctor too become Doctor by Birth.. No.. he has to clear the exams and get the required qualifications only then.. Then how Brahman, Shatria, Vashya , Shudra son or Daughter can become the same.. Therefore By Birth Tags or Caste are Non Sense and Illogical.. It is the biggest superstition.. Only Karams decide our Caste (Profession).. Be Karam Yogi... and No Karam is Bad Karam until it harms anyone or the mother nature or Humanity.. In the past too, Saints , Gurus ,Rishis etc were born who tried to End Casteism and create awareness.. Now.. Times r Changing.. End Evils of Casteism to save Sanatan Dharam and to Unite Hindus.. Promote Inter caste Marriages if Suitable Spouse are available in other castes too.. Stop using caste after names like Sharma, Tripathi etc.. Just use Kumar or Kumari or Arya or Sanatani etc Try to Think this way.. Otherwise Lower caste will keep on converting to other religions as happened in the past.. Out of 125 Cr Indians.. Only 75 Cr are Hindus in India now and Rest 50 Cr are others (mainly 25 Cr Muslims ,7 Cr Christian , 4 Cr Sikhs, Rest are Jain , Buddhism etc) There 50 Cr Ancestors were Hindus only but they converted mainly by Force or Allurement (70% conversions to Muslims & Christains) of better future and also by many other good reasons too (Sikhism, Jainism, Budhism etc) but they r comparitively less.. Kangrezz & its allies tried to implement Sachhar Committee which says give reservation based on Religions like Muslims Christian etc As per Bhim Ji.. When any Hindu become Muslim then Reservation Status is cancelled BEC. Muslims got separate Country i.e East and West Pakistan.. So Kangrezz & its allies want to Plug or Remove this issue by using Sachar Committe recommendations and it is also a Hidden Great Tool to facilitate Conversion to other Religions especially to Islam of Hindus without lossing their reservation status.. But it is delayed for time being.. End Casteism.. Save Sanatan Dharam.. Casteism is our biggest weakness and thats our Enemy are Exploiting since 1000 of yrs... Hindus in next 20 to 30 yrs will become Minority if Casteism is Not ended and plus One Child policy adopted by majority of Hindus if not Ended.. Psychologically today Hindus already are in Minority today BEC. Films like PK r Block busters.. If not awaken timely.. Then soon in Reality too.. RSS supports reservation for next 100 yrs in India until Evil of casteism not Ended..RSS is the only organization which work for Unity and Safety of Hindus. Jai Shri Ram
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 16:25:23 +0000

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