Someone posted a link to an article on Bleeding cool, and unless - TopicsExpress


Someone posted a link to an article on Bleeding cool, and unless youve been living under a rock or dont read the book (Which is probably a lot of you) DCs Earth 2 series has introduced a new Black Superman character, and asked why If Marvel can make a black Spider-man, why cant DC make Superman black permanently. Im reposting my response: Marvels version is in an alternate reality as well, or did you forget that? It only works in a n alternate dimensionbecause Superman is an established brand, has an established look. Every attempt to permanently change or alter him has failed because the people behind it dont know the basics of marketing and public perception. Why is this happening? Because marketers are acting in ways that are diluting brands instead of building them. First, they’re relying too heavily on promotional programs. Panicked by demands from sales departments and big retailers, manufacturers have shifted money away from brand building and into price-oriented promotions, like coupons and giveaways, that make distributors happy. The more you focus buyers on deals, the more you distract them from your brand. -Harvard business review, March 2002 The lesson for us is straightforward—once your brand is imbedded in the marketplace, any serious dichotomy between the company’s actions and the brand’s image creates confusion, and ultimately, distrust in the marketplace—and it doesn’t take long to destroy even a hundred and fifty year old brand.- Paul McCord, Smallbizlink People need to stop thinking of characters like Superman and Spider-man as creative entities. They are BRANDS, and should follow the rules of brand management. Its part of the reason they dont sell the way they used to. people keep screwing around with the formula and giving us New Coke and Crystal Pepsi and continually watching them crash and burn
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:59:06 +0000

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