*Start your week off with this kind of thought* (And if this - TopicsExpress


*Start your week off with this kind of thought* (And if this resonates with you as much as it does me, please reach out!) Dont attempt to make a difference in a half-hearted way -- push yourself to do great things for great causes. I know, its easy to become resigned in todays troubled world, thinking you cant do anything significant to help change it. Todays issues are daunting. Too many people living below the poverty line. Millions lacking access to clean water, food, sanitation, medical care, opportunity. Trillions of dollars in national debt. Markets collapsing. War raging. Politicians in gridlock. The environment going to hell. These challenges are serious and make up some of the defining issues of our times. While one would hope that news coverage on these issues would spread education and commitment for dealing with them, the opposite has proved true. Todays news rarely educates or inspires anything but contempt and polarization. In a quest for ratings, even the best news coverage has become salacious -- Alert! Alert! Alert! -- and merely reports on the extreme perspectivs on any issue. This leads to no real information, only positions, and no real dialogues that spur discovery or solutions. Worse, in their efforts to incite controversy, the media have enlisted us all in a societal soup of endless, thoughtless, and fruitless blame games. As we watch all this from our armchairs of abundance, we simply tune out. Resignation sets in -- not to get involved but simply to get incensed. We follow the new anchors tones of Tsk tsk, how dare they! But we remain largely apathetic. We hate what we see happening, but the issues are so large, we simply think, Oh well, what could I possibly do? What you can do is beyond your current imagination. And yet thats the probelm. Because it lies beyond your present imagination, its difficult to grasp except by the visionary few who dare see themselves boldly venturing into the territory of impossible. So the visionaries feel they can change the wold, while the rest of sociatey digs itself into ruts of resignation. But we all can be greater visionaries and contributors by adopting two simple perspectives. First, we must stop thinking that its worthwhile to address a challenge only if its solvable. You alone will not solve world poverty. You will not fix education, the economy, or the environment. But you can choose to be part of the solution. And its being part of a solution and taking on a challenge that makes us feel alive, even if we never get to see the fruits of our labors in our lifetimes. Jump into the challenge, and youll start feeling like a part of the solution. Second, to loosen the reins of resignation, we must stop thinking we have to address these problems alone. Doing our part is important, but we must focus as much on being part of, or creating, a community of committed people to address our worlds most pressing needs. Margaret Mead said it best: Never underestimae the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Its time to reengage with societys problems and challenges. Doing so will likely never lead to extrinsic rewards or total solutions that youll see in your lifetime. But its not about the destination; its about the journey and feeling as though we did something with our lives that helped the world. If you want to feel better about life, you have to feel better about the world. The best way to do that is to challenge yourself to be an active participant in society. Being part of the solution always feels better than being a spectator. If you simply watch a sinking ship and do nothing, you will feel dead inside. But jump in the rescue boats, mobilize those around you to do the same, and, suddenly, youll feel alive again. Brendon Burchard - Live. Love. Matter. Wow!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:04:44 +0000

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