*Story Time* at work last night. Taking care of a patient who died - TopicsExpress


*Story Time* at work last night. Taking care of a patient who died and was revived through the magic of EMTs. Patient was on hypothermia protocol to try to preserve brain function, this is a sad and trying time for families and the caregiver. There are no breaks taking care of a patient like this. In the midst of my care taking, I hear the strains of Simon & Garfunkels Homeword Bound. Homeward bound, Home where my thoughts escaping, Home where my musics playing, Home where my love lies waiting Silently for me. I realized it was playing out loud and not just in my head, I knocked on the door the music was coming from and entered. The patient exclaimed he had not put his bell on, I explained sorrily that I heard S&G and had to investigate, he welcomed me in and explained it was an SNL recap, and invited me to watch. Teary eyed, I explained that I had a super sick patient and could just stay for a second. He said, no problem, a second with S&G and SNL is a moment that he could understand. He told me I was too young to respect Simon & Garfunkel as an artist, I explained that I inherited my fathers albums when he passed in 89. He nodded in understanding and we shared a moment listening to the music and watching an SNL montage. I apologized for interrupting his night, he thanked me for sharing a musical moment with him. He saw me as a nurse who heard a good song, I saw him as a patient who let a nurse be a human being for a moment. I am certain if my father was alive, his hospital room would be a gathering place for music, laughter and love. This patient expressed that he saw me talking with my patients family for the last few hours, and he was glad to share a minute of music with me. I may have not been his nurse, and he was getting ready to go home, but he is a patient I wont soon forget. You see, after the SNL special was over, news talks of Ocean County fires took over. He said, living in Franklinville, we worry about fires too. He was shocked to hear I had great friendships in Franklinville and would pray for their area. I woke up today to see his hometown was suffering from the wild flames. Oh Stranger, I am glad you arent Homeward Bound today, I pray your home is safe and that you continue to heal. I will always think of you when S&G plays in my iPod. And I will think of the family next door who is praying for their loved one to get well and come home... Such is the life of a nurse.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 04:26:39 +0000

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