#Syria REMEMBER THE FIRST DAYS OF THE SYRIAN REVOLUTION #SyrianRevolution By iyad_elbaghdadi: "That was my brief #Syria early revolution timeline. Now DON’T ANYONE TELL ME THIS WAS AN ALQAEDA REVOLUTION." July 29, 2011: The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is declared. July 19, 2011: Tanks deployed against protesters in Homs. #Syria July 8, 2011: Ibrahim Qashoush, who wrote & sang chants for unarmed protests, found dead. Larynx ripped out, body dumped in river. Mid June 2011: Regime in full scale military operation in the north after defections. Revolution begins to adopt the pre-Baath flag. #Syria 9 June 2011: Lt. Col. Harmoush among first confirmed defections. Video says him & others will protect the peaceful protests. #Syria May & June 2011: Daily unarmed protests, especially on Fridays, across #Syria. Clamp down continues. Demonstrators not backing down. April 29, 2011: Protests get angrier across #Syria, clamp down continues. More rumors about defections from Assad’s army in Daraa. April 25, 2011: Full scale military operation by Assad’s army in Daraa. Rumors of defections. City is blockaded. #Syria April 22, 2011: Protests reach Midan in the heart of Damascus. Clamp down continue. Overall death toll on this day 80+. #Syria April 12, 2011: Regime starts a midnight military operation to clamp down on the city of Banias. #Syria April 8, 2011: Protests in Daraa surpass the 100,000 figure. Met with live gunfire. 23 reported dead in Daraa only on this day. #Syria April 8, 2011: Kurds protests in Qamishli despite offer of citizenship by Assad. #Syria Early April 2011: Continuous demonstrations across the country. Peaceful, non violent, met with force by the regime. #Syria Mar 31, 2011: Assad forms a committee to study lifting emergency law, which has been in effect since 1962. #Syria Mar 30, 2011: Assad gives a speech to his parliament. Talks about emergency law and allowing multiple parties. Clamp down continues. #Syria Mar 25, 2011: One of the first “Friday demonstrations”. Daraa, Damascus, Douma, Homs, Hama, Latakia, Jableh. Many deaths, injuries. #Syria Mar 23, 2011: Regime already describes protests (referred to as a “case”) as a foreign powers plot carried out by Alqaeda. #Syria Mar 22, 2011: Stand off at Omari mosque in Daraa. Eventually 12 die and 200 are injured. #Syria Mar 20, 2011: Baath party headquarters in Daraa torched. Protests spread and intensify. #Syria Mar 18, 2011: Violent clamp down leads protests to spread & escalate across the country. This is now a revolution. #Syria Mar 15, 2011: Having designated this day as a day of protests, many rallies across #Syria: Damascus, Aleppo, Daraa, Homs, Banyas. Mar 6, 2011: Libyan rebels shoot down two Gaddafi fighter jets. Pilots had Syrian passports. #Syria Feb 23, 2011: Rally in solidarity with Libya is violently dispersed. #Syria Feb 20, 2011: Blogger Ahmad Abulkheir arrested for praising Tunisian revolution and posting anti-censorship information. #Syria Feb 17, 2011: Small protest in #Syria shows people are fed up and ripe for revolution. bit.ly/hr7Px6 Feb 15, 2011: Teen blogger Tal al Mallouhi sentenced to 5 years in prison for “espionage” in closed hearing. #Syria Feb 2, 2011: Twenty Syrians hold a candlelight vigil for Egypt’s revolution. They’re attacked & beaten up by thugs. #Syria 31 Jan 2011: In light of events in Tunisia & Egypt, Bashar al Assad says “it’s time for reform” (then does nothing). #Syria Late Jan 2011: Syrian youths try to organize protests/revolution for Feb 5 2011 (it doesn’t work). #Syria Since I’m tired of those who say the Syrian revolution was an Alqaeda/CIA plot, here’s a little #Syria very early revolution timeline… FB post from Feb 2011, anticipating #Syria uprising. The real thing to look at is the conversation in the comments. on.fb.me/f4mb8M Source: yallasouriya.wordpress/2013/08/30/iyad-elbaghdadi-that-was-my-brief-syria-early/
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 09:37:26 +0000

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