#TEAMTJGE SPOTLIGHT SERIES GUEST: BUZZ STEPHENS Well, I think were starting the year off right here in TJGE with the first Spotlight Series Guest of 2015, and how appropriate it would be by featuring our very own Buzz Stephens. I know a lot of you love and appreciate what TJGE brings: Lots of fun and camaraderie filled with fellow Judy fans and friends and everything we post as far as photos, videos, facts, information and games. But behind the scenes is Buzz Stephens who created the group first on Yahoo and now here on FB. Buzz does a great job in trying to make this all about FUN with much respect to Judy. I think because of Buzz and TJGE, a lot of Judy fans have gained a lot as far as knowing more about the beloved Judy Garland, making new friends, and enjoying their time spent online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #TEAMTJGE Q&A SPOTLIGHT: BUZZ STEPHENS 1. Name Stephens, Buzz 2. Location The concrete jungle where dreams are made of. 3. How old were you when you discovered Judy? When I was six, a local TV station would run old movie serials like Blondie, Maisie, and the Andy Hardy series every Sunday morning. That’s where I first noticed Judy beyond Dorothy. I was smitten with Betsy Booth and every week I hoped that they would show an Andy Hardy movie with her in it, and that she would sing, of course. My favorite Betsy Booth song was I’m Nobody’s Baby. 4. Favorite Judy memory so far? Saving that story for an upcoming blog piece. 5. Favorite Judy film: A Star Is Born. 6. Favorite role that Judy played: Esther Smith. 7. Favorite Judy song: I can’t answer that without feeling like I am betraying other songs. But if it helps, the outtake of It Never Was You with Judy and the solo guitar being joined by the full orchestra is my all time favorite Judy Garland studio recording. 8. Favorite Judy quote from a film or favorite lyric from a song: Judy. London. 1969. “Well, there’s nothing like aristocracy in vaudeville, is there?” 9. Who would you want Judy to do a duet with? Louis Armstrong. Can you imagine the charisma (and musicality) if those two had gotten together? Why didn’t that happen on The Judy Garland Show? 10. What do you love about Judy? I never knew her so the only thing I can say is her talent. 11. What is something false about Judy that youre tired of hearing about? That she stole that damn pants suit from Valley Of The Dolls. It was a gift to her from Bill Travilla. He even boxed it up for her himself! He tells the story on his web page (which has some great VOD photos BTW). 12. What would you tell Judy if she were living now? To choose the pudding over the applesauce. 13. What advances in technology would Judy be most impressed by? I can already hear her jokes about auto tune. 14. What are you other other interests? Politics, reading, current music, old R&B, traveling, hanging out in jazz clubs, eggnog gelato…. 15. What do you like about The Judy Garland Experience? The people, and the way so many of us have connected on so many levels. It’s been a very special thing to watch, and be a part of.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 02:26:37 +0000

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