**TEENAGE LOVE** Part 5 Segun got back to his seat and began - TopicsExpress


**TEENAGE LOVE** Part 5 Segun got back to his seat and began shading the answers on the OMR sheet. In less than thirty minutes he was through with the paper. He looked around the hall and discovered he was the first person to finish. “Some people are so dull. Look at them; battling with these cheap questions.” he thought and smiled. He rested his head on the locker. He looked up about fifteen minutes later to see that just half of the class were still writing. He compared his question paper with that of Caleb to know if he was given the exact question paper. THIRTY MINUTES LATER Every candidates submitted their OMR sheets including segun. He went outside to wait for Olanike but she called him back. “Segun. Please wait.” she said pleadingly. He stopped and looked at her. “Yes, what is it?” he asked. “Let’s go and beg that man.” she said. “Which man?” he asked. “The invigillator of course.” she replied. He hissed angrily. “And why should I beg him?” he asked. “You know he can write a report about us, which could affect our results.” she explained. “He can’t.” he said. “And what gave you the assurance that he can’t?” she asked. “Based on what i did in the papers will make WAEC have a rethink.” he bragged. “Segun let’s go and beg him.” she commanded. “Am not going anywhere.” he replied. “Segun!” She called him. “I’ll be waiting for you outside.” he said and walked down the stairs. She went back inside the hall. “Excuse me sir.” she said. “What can i do for you?” the invigillator asked. “Please sir. I came to beg you.” she said kneeling down. “You don’t need that.” the man said. “I need to, so that you won’t write report about us.” she explained. “I actually thought about writing a report, but for your sake. I didn’t.” he said. “Thank you very much sir.” she said. “Stand up.” he said helping her up. “Thank you sir.” she said again. “You are such a good girl. What’s your name?” he asked. “Olanike sir.” “Keep up your good morals.” he advised. “Okay sir.” “You better advise your boyfriend. He lack morals and he is proud. That will take him nowhere.” he advised. “Okay sir.” She helped him carry the sack containing the answer booklets to his car. She dropped the sack on the back seat and turned to leave. “Are you going towards the GRA? So i can give you a ride?” he asked. “no, don’t worry sir.” she said curtly. The invigillator drove off and Nike started walking towards the main road. Segun ran after her. “Nike! Why can’t you tell me you are ready?” he asked. She ignored him and stopped a bike. “Nike!?” he shouted. “I don’t make friends with people like you. You are too proud and temperamental for my likening. Try and check yourself. Then you become my friend. Mind you, you lack morals. Good bye.” she said as she mounted the bike and the bikeman zoomed off leaving him stunned and suprised. “This girl is really crazy. Imagine how she was talking to me. Afterall, i was the one that helped her in her papers. She’s not even my type. She must be mad.” he said. He stopped a bike and off he went. He got home and noticed his father’s car was parked outside. He did a sign of cross before entering. “Good evening dad.” he greeted postrating. “The fighter.” his father said. He made to leave for his room. “Come back here.” his father commanded. He stopped in his track and faced his angry father. “How much did you purchase this exam form?” his father asked. “Ten thousand naira sir.” he replied. “So are you writing the exam or you are busy chasing useless girls?” the man asked. “Am writing the exam.” “Then why did you fight today?” “Me!?…. Fight?…” He asked feigning innocence. “Are you okay? Kneel down there.” He obeyed his father instantly going down on his knees. “Answer my questions now or never.” his father shouted. “I didn’t fight. Some guys actually attacked me.” he defended. “And what was your offence?” his father asked. “I don’t know.” he said. His father slapped him angrily. “Who the hell is Olanike?” his father asked. “She is a girl in my centre.” he replied. “Are you there to make friends?” “No.” he answered. “So, why on earth are you making friends with some useless girls who add no value to your life? Or do you now have a girlfriend?” “No. But dad……” “Shut up.” his father cut him short. “Dad! What’s going on?” his brother Tope asked. “Your brother is now having girlfriends. He was beaten because of a girl today.” “How did you know that?” tope asked. “A spy actually told me.” their father replied. “A spy?” Tope asked suprised. “Yes. I have someone monitoring his movements.” their dad replied. “Segun, is it true that you now have girlfriends?” Tope asked. “No bro, she is just a friend.” Segun replied. “A friend! Are you there to make friends?” “Dad it’s normal for students to make friends during exams like this.” Tope explained. “Not at this age. They are too young to have positive influence on themselves.” their father said. “He is sixteen.” Tope said. “He is still a bloody teenager.” their father yelled. “Okay Dad. Can he go and freshen up so that he can relax?” Tope requested. “Get out of my sight.” their father commanded segun. “Thank you sir.” Segun said. “Give me your phone. Come back for it after your exams.” their father said. He handed his phone to him but not after removing his sim cards. He got into his room opened his wardrobe and brought out his second phone and inserted his sim cards. “Who the hell could have told this man about Nike?” he thought angrily. “I need to find out who the person is. And if i get him or her. People will cry.” he said angrily hitting his fist against the wall. He fell down on his bed and made to sleep without taking his dinner. Afterall tomorrow is sunday. ...WATCH OUT FOR PART 6 Tommorow
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:43:33 +0000

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