(THANKS to Marie Corry) Excerpt from 1955 Kailua Study Group - - TopicsExpress


(THANKS to Marie Corry) Excerpt from 1955 Kailua Study Group - Understanding the Body - 1 Master #113 - Tape 4 - Side 1 It seems strange to me at times, although I make very little comment about it, that so little actual study is given to the book The Infinite Way. It is read and it makes its impression, and the students go back to it occasionally and read some more, but I doubt that there are many that realize that practically every paragraph in this entire book is a metaphysical and spiritual text upon which a whole book could be written -- that this book as small as it is, contains everything that we know up to date on the subject of spiritual unfoldment, spiritual living, and spiritual healing. Not a word can be added to this book, or perhaps I should say not a word has ever been added to this book. There isnt a single word in all the writings that isnt originally in this one book. The only thing is that sometimes it is in this book in one sentence and then appears later as a 10,000 or 25,000 word book. But its the same sentence. Its the same statement. Its the same truth which could have been found in its pure essence and each one work out for themselves instead of having to read another book about it. Now you will remember as I call it to your attention that the Infinite Way writings declare that the secret of life lies in right identification -- that is in knowing our true identity. In knowing who I am or what I am. All of the error in the world -- all of the sin, disease, death, lack, and limitation in the world is based only on one ignorance, and that is ignorance of our identity -- not knowing who I am or what I am. Now, of course, in this book The Infinite Way the subject is treated quickly, briefly, and with just a statement here and there because it becomes necessary for an individual, for a student, to follow that through to its ultimate conclusion, not for somebody to put it into words for them, because then theyd be living on words instead of inner individual unfoldment. Also, as this book came through, it came through in such a manner so as not to shock the world into just disregarding it, and so you must naturally expect that ideas are softened here which when you examine them you say, Do you really mean that thats what it means? And I do. I mean exactly that. Now here is a chapter Metaphysical Healing. Healings are always in proportion to our understanding of the truth about God, man, idea, body. Well, of course, there is just one sentence but as far as Im concerned I dont know how you could spend less than a year on that one sentence. I dont know how you could possibly not write that sentence out - put it up on the mirror - carry a copy in the purse. And then, regardless of what you are reading for the next year see what it has to say about God, man, idea, body. You see if we knew the truth about God and man, the truth about idea and body would quickly reveal themselves, because no one who hears these words will ever find their freedom until they know that they are not man. As long as the belief exists consciously or unconsciously or subconsciously within you that you are man, you will be seeking a God -- and there isnt any to be found. The search for the Holy Grail has been a search for God. Always it has been fruitless. Always it has been a failure until the individual came home broke in health, broke in mind, broke in body, broke in purse, and there discovered it hanging right up on there on tree, or buried within their own garden, in other words, within their own being. Now, in the chapter Supply in this book I gave the secret, but evidently too few of our students have connected up that secret with the whole of being. In the illustration of the orange tree I showed that the oranges do not constitute supply. I dont care how many oranges there are, I dont care how few oranges there are, that has nothing to do with supply. An orange, or any other fruit on a tree, is the product of a life force at work. So the supply is the life force, and the orange is but the fruitage or result or product of the supply. You could have a year without oranges but that wouldnt mean that you were without supply. You could give away your oranges -- you could throw them away, and you wouldnt be without supply, because the life force is at work instantly reproducing. So that at most you would have a temporary absence of the result of supply, or product of supply, or fruit of supply. Now coming back to our identity. Who am I? What am I? And you will find that you are not that which can be supplied. You are supply. You are the law of life operating. I am the life. I am life eternal. I am the life, the way, the truth. I am the bread, the wine, the meat. Do you not see that everyone including our own students have been trying to demonstrate meat, wine, water, house, health when I am these. I am the life of my body. I cannot get life. I cannot get health. I cannot get supply. I cannot get youth. I cannot get vitality. I am the way, the truth, the life. Now, as man we would have something to get and we would have something to get it from. We would be eternally seeking a God somewhere to get something for us to give something, but all the way back to Moses it was realized I am that very I am. I am it. And because of Moses realization of I am or Moses realization that I am he was enabled to bring forth a cloud by day, pillar of fire by night, manna from the sky, water from the rock, safety and security for his people all by the realization -- what set Moses apart from his people? They were seeking something from I am and he was knowing that I am that I am. What set Jesus apart from his multitudes? They were seeking to be fed, and he knew he could feed them. They were seeking to be healed, but he knew that I am life eternal and that that was their relationship to God -- that was their identity. Well, theres one tiny sentence in this book that says, You must know that you are cause and not effect. I dont see how anyone could spend less than three years on that one sentence. I dont know how they possibly can because there isnt a single discord within range of your thought that isnt based on the belief that you are an effect and that there is a cause somewhere that can do something about it. The mystery of life is in the words I AM.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:08:20 +0000

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