>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 16 of 365 Topic: Looking Beyond The - TopicsExpress


>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 16 of 365 Topic: Looking Beyond The Surface Ref. Scripture: Exodus 15:22&23 In yesterday’s piece, it was established that whenever God is set to give us a fresh testimony, He permits a challenge; that test is what bears the testimony we are waiting for. Today, we are taking a step further. After the Israelites had walked for three days without water, they finally found a body of water. Wow…praise God…right? After three days, their desire was granted. The water looked good but when they tasted it, alas, it was bitter. Their hearts sank!!! Something struck me here; Moses didn’t lead the Israelites away from this bitter water. He remained there and sought the face of God. It seems to me like Moses knew that God often hides the solution to a problem inside it. Moses knew that, every problem carries in its belly, the solution to it. so instead of walking away in search of another water, he “confronted” this bitter water and brought out the sweetness in it. In every “marah”, there is always a “naomi”. In every “bitter” situation, there is a concealed pleasantness. Many of us are swift to always walk away. We are always seeking to avoid, hide, and keep off. But you see, whatever you do not confront, you cannot conquer. Inside that thing you are running away from, is the wings with which you will soar. It is like, someone choosing to walk by road to Lagos from Abuja when there is a waiting flight. Hey, stand!!! Stop running away. Stop looking for the easy way out. Look beyond the bitterness on the surface to the pleasantness on the inside. If women were to consider the pains of labour, they would never dare get pregnant. But she considers the fact that, beyond the pains and the “push”, there is a child waiting to be born. The joy of holding that baby in her arms infuses her with the strength to go through the not-so pleasant pregnancy period. Stop running. Take your stand and take charge. Your “naomi” is here!!! Thought For The Day: Whatever you cannot confront, you cannot conquer. Memorize: 2 Corinthians 4:16 Remain in The Blessing. Oluwatobiloba. 7BC14F59||@kingdomturf
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 07:24:25 +0000

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