>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 199 of 365 Topic: Learn from - TopicsExpress


>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 199 of 365 Topic: Learn from Jesus Ref. Scripture: And the Word became man, and dwelt among us... John 1:14 ERV Many believe that the best way to learn is to learn by experience. I disagree with that. It is better to learn from examples than to learn by experience. Imagine a mathematics textbook with exercises but no examples; it will definitely be very difficult for you to get the right answer in record time. We were all introduced to the divine life as novices. We had no previous experience. We didnt know how to live our new life. Good for us, God had it all planned out. Before He gave us the exercises, He gave us an Example, that as we look to His Example, we may learn how live the divine life He has gifted us. It was expedient for Jesus to become man so that He may show us how sweatlessly possible it is for a son of God to live the supernatural life naturally. Had He lived on earth as a God, we would have had no example to look to, and we would have had excuses for failure. But God would have none of that; He gave us a perfect example. Jesus is more than a SAVEiour, He is a SHOWviour; He came not just to save but to show. In Him, God has revealed to us how the divine life is to be lived. At the mount of transfiguration, something remarkable happened. Moses and Elijah appeared and the Father spoke...this is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him. Did you know what that means? Moses and Elijah represented distinct dispensations viz the law and the prophets. So here is God saying, NOW, your example is neither Moses nor Elijah, it is Jesus. Whatever He says and does is what I expect from you. Friend, Jesus has already bid you come. Read the gospel books to see how He lived on earth, and stay in fellowship with Him. He is your perfect example. Thought For the Day: Jesus came not just to save, but to show. Meditate: Matthew 11:28-30; Heb. 12:1&2 Have a Great Day Oluwatobiloba 7E452165|| @kingdomturf
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:47:55 +0000

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