>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 342 of 365 Topic: Partners With - TopicsExpress


>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 342 of 365 Topic: Partners With God Ref. Scripture: My food is...to finish His Work John 4:34 God has called us to Himself so that we can partner with Him to fulfill His Work on the earth; we must be very conscious of this. We must understand that we are co-labourers with Him, and hence we must not be sloppy and indolent. Jesus knew that the Father has a work at hand and that He has the mandate to finish His Work. This consciousness made Him to sacrifice pleasure to see the Kingdom advance. Although God wants us comfortable, it becomes an error when we become too comfortable to be useful. Many of us have become so at home on earth that we have resigned from doing the Fathers business. The Holy Spirit once told me, the greatest tragedy that can befall a believer is for God to be working and he is snoring. How would you feel if you are doing everything to make your employee comfortable and all he does is to arrive at the office, sit on his chair, and sleep till closing time? Friend, there is work to be done. You are called, not just to receive from the Master, but to labour alongside Him. This week, partner with God to see His Will effected and His Work done, and the rewards that accrue to it shall be expressly yours. Thought For The Day: Never let your comfort get in the way of your assignment. Meditate: Luke 2:49 Have a Productive Week Oluwatobiloba 794F2CB9 || @kingdomturf
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 08:57:34 +0000

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