>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 80 of 365 Topic: The Value Of - TopicsExpress


>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 80 of 365 Topic: The Value Of Contentment Ref. Scripture: Exodus 19:24 As we round up the nineteenth chapter of the book of Exodus, I like us to consider this vital lesson. Often, the reason many people fall away from this christian walk is because they wanted more than God was ready to give at a particular time. Either they want more answers than God was giving them, or they want more money than they have at the time --- if you look closely, youd see that the reason many people backslid iss because they wanted much more than God supplied them at a particular time. Looking through Exodus 19, youd see that God repeatedly instructs Moses to instruct the Israelites never to try to gaze at Him. He has defined a boundary for them and they are to confine themselves to that defined boundary. Failure to adhere would guarantee peril. Now, consider how tempting it was for them to disobey that instruction; it was such a golden opportunity to see God. But they were contented where God placed them; they didnt demand for more than He has made available for the now. Please understand that, whereas all things are yours in Christ, there is a provision for the now. Do not crave for more than your now provision has made available. Any step taking outside Christ is destruction in motion. Learn to be content with what God supplies you per time. Learn to remain within the confines of His set boundary. Dont try to be smarter than Him. Dont move outside His perfect Will. God will not give you what will destroy you, hence you must learn to trust His judgement. Theres nothing you need that He doesnt have, and He certainly will withhold no good thing from you. Living in contentment is knowing happiness. Thought For The Day: Any step outside the perfect Will of God puts man in the muddy pit of life. Meditate: Phillipians 4:11-13 Stay Blessed!! Oluwatobiloba 7BC14F59 || @kingdomturf
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:07:49 +0000

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