**THE BETRAYAL** (EPISODE 50) ......“So how far?” he - TopicsExpress


**THE BETRAYAL** (EPISODE 50) ......“So how far?” he anxiously asked, “I havn’t been able to decide anything” I murmured with a fast pounding heart. “c’mon don’t tell me that. Have u 4gotten I gave u only two weeks to decide, why are u behaving like this?” he curiously asked. “Mike I’ll give u an answer at the end of this semester, please allow me to focus on my studies, I can’t be thinking of ur proposal when I have exams to prepare” I poured out. “I really don’t know the kind of game u r playing, seriously I don’t” he complained. “So what’s so hard 4 u to wait an extra month for me to decide?” I asked, “because I don’t understand u n I fear I may end up killing my time 4 nothing” he replied. “if u love me, u will be willing to take the risk” I spoke defiantly. He breathed deeply, grabbed my left hand and stared into my eyes. “tell me the truth, what’s happening please?” he pleaded. My lips quivered, while my bright eyes grew dim under his manly grasp. “but 4 1 thing, I would have said yes this instant n gone with u to the very end of the world” I confessed. “but what is it, Cyndii?” he asked, Mike– I cannot leave Ben by this hour, he’s preparing 4 his degree exams please be considerate. Yes I’m with him, but it’s more of a friendship thing ,but you don’t have to believe me” I explained. “It is the only atonement i can offer him, I owe Ben this reparation 4 the evil I have done him n I must make it till he completes his degree exams, after which I will give you the answer you so much desire” I added. He drew nearer and kissed my trembling lips “alright I understand” he murmured coldly. “speak to me Mike, it’s hard, I know but tell me that I’m doing the right thing” I begged. He looked down and shook his head. “U are cruelly doing the right thing” he murmured. “I have to get going, I really can’t stand this anymore” he quietly added. I stared at him inquisitively but couldn’t say any word to him. I quietly alighted 4rm his car while he furiously drove away without even bothering to give me a goodbye smile. It really was a very painful parting n I couldn’t help but wonder if he will ever return 4 me I cried in my room as I thought over Mike’s behaviour. “have I lost him forever?” did I miscalculate by pushing my luck to the extreme? I wondered with tears. I however devoted my time in being by Benjamin’s side as his degree exams slowly drew near, equally pushing my fears and sorrows to the back of my mind. In no time I got used to my new way of living, hiding my fears with smiles, and taking life as I saw it. Benjamin equally never gave me cause to worry, he never brought up any topic that would hurt my feelings nor even mentioned Mike’s name. He truly was the ideal guy for any woman but he wasn’t destined for me. I felt nothing but commitment, compassion n little respect for him. Finally the exams came and went with the speed of light. Benjamin was finally a graduate. I really can’t forget the night he graduated, how happy and overjoyed he was and the miserable look on his face as he begged for s*x after the celebration. He had insisted I spend the night in his room when we returned from the party his department organised. I agreed just to make him happy, but when he began touching me later in the night, I felt nothing but anger and irritation. I had to push him roughly away from me. “I have waited so long for this moment, why are you denying me your body, are you upset over something?” he asked anxiously, “I’m menstruating, just sleep and let me be please” I replied a bit coldly, but he wasn’t convinced. “It isn’t fair dear, why are you like this?” he begged. “seriously Ben I do appreciate your love, care and everything, but this night is going to be our last together, I have tried to develop more feelings for you but was unable to. Moreover I know your mum no longer likes me, so please tonight is our last” I plainly poured out to a visibly surprised Benjamin. He gasped, left the bed and slept on the rug without saying another word to me. The next morning I left his room before he woke up. Though what I did touched me, I was very glad I did it because I really couldn’t guarantee my happiness with him. He however never did spoke to me again. He moved{packed} out of the hostel days later without bothering to notify me. I was a bit distressed because I really never wanted things to end that way between us and would have wanted for us to remain good friends. Finally, I anxiously began waiting for Mike who never showed up nor called on phone. I soon wrote my second semester exams n travelled home 4 christmas months later. 3 months I waited for Mike, but not even a single phone call did i get from him. I lost hope, but for my pride I would have called him myself. . . . . . . . . . Perhaps he wasn’t in my destiny either. #Do_You_Think_Mike_Will_Come_Back ??? #Should_Ben_Forget_About_Cyndii??? EPISODE 51 LOADING
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:39:19 +0000

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