[[[[THE CLOSEOUT: Part 2 of 2 ]]]] Recently, I was reacquainted - TopicsExpress


[[[[THE CLOSEOUT: Part 2 of 2 ]]]] Recently, I was reacquainted with a friend who mysteriously disappeared without a trace very suddenly. When asked why, he informed me of his brain cancer diagnosis that caught him off guard and he knew what I was going through and didnt want to burden me any further. I was shocked because he looked so healthy, vibrant and full of zest. In fact, he had just gotten back in town from vacationing on a yacht smoking fine cigars and drinking top shelf whiskey. I finally mustered up the nerve to ask if the cancer was treatable and he answered with a matter of factly, NO. I was speechless. Then I asked, How long you got? He answered, The doctor gave me 6 months to 24 months and Im on month 18. That was in August 2014. I then asked him if he needed anything from me. His response was, Just pray. The reason why Im even bringing this up is because in 2009 he began getting migraine headaches that he self treated. He then started getting random nose bleeds that he wrote off as no-big-deal. Other signs started surfacing that were signals that something was internally wrong, but he ignored them because they seemed minor in nature and he could tolerate them. In 2013, something triggered him to go to the doctor and he was then diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Hes disgusted with himself because he knows that had he gone when his body gave him initial warning signs, he wouldnt be on a time clock today. Although hes optimistic on the surface, I know hes mortified underneath. Everyday, I log into my social media just to make sure he posted something so that I know hes still alive. Im on eggshells. . . THE TAKE AWAY:::: Listen when your body speaks! It could be a matter of life and death and even the quality of life one is to live. Cancer is serious but oftentimes, it comes with warning signs. *I wont speak about Domestic Violence because this is really near to my heart and I wanted to share this story with the hopes to encourage someone to go to the doctor about that thing.*
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:01:14 +0000

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