THE COMPROMISING OF THE GOSPEL Have we as believer of Jesus - TopicsExpress


THE COMPROMISING OF THE GOSPEL Have we as believer of Jesus Christ, have we been seduce into a gospel that has no power and is contrary to everything that Jesus display when he was walking among us...So I ask some Christian what is the Gospel? and most people really did not know...Well when I dont understand something I go to the source(BIBLE) and see what the answer is so I went back to the beginning of Jesus Ministry to see what was the GOOD NEWS... and as I read the word and ponder the thought of what our savior was Teaching and Preaching and the First thing that I see is he took off the throne and put on Humility he came off his throne and became flesh so He could show what the Kingdom of God should Look like. He walk around with power teaching, Kingdom Principle… Love, Faith, Forgiveness, Compassion, Healing, There is the Number Five Grace…Have we forgot about God Grace for us and for our Brother and Sister… Jesus went through the region Displaying what Love, Faith, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing Look Like and He took twelve Disciple and He taught them so they in return would teach other the GOOD NEWS…So that this Good News will be taught for generations to generations not only taught with Lip service!!! but display in ACTION…Now some where we have drop the ball and we have pick up something’s that are not part of the Good News and we are teaching other with our action that have left a scare on the heart of The Living God people that have left people wonder is The Living God real? Let me pause right here, and say The living God is REAL, there are a lot of False god that have crept in among the Living God People and have given people a false Hope…And Now this has happen there has been a great falling away from the truth and we have started living any kind of way and treating people with NO LOVE…My Beloved Brother’s and Sister’s I plead with you NOW to Pick up your Bible and read it for your self and study to show thy self approve you do not need a degree to learn the word of THE LIVING God all you need is a heart that is surrender... And the HOLY SPIRIT will come in and Lead and Guide you into All Truth…And it will correct and rebuke you in your heart when you are in error… Now I want to talk about the seed that is in each and everyone of us… When we have a seed of a apple tree and we want to plant it to produce a harvest we need some specific things to make it grow the seed by itself want grow unless it has dirt and a ground to grow in…So it is with a woman there are already seed for a baby to grow in the womb but with out the semen the seed just sit in the womb not produce anything…So it is with us the seed that is in each and everyone of us without the Holy Spirit the seed is just sitting in us not growing and produce nothing…It take Nine month for a baby to be born and if the baby is not feed it will not grow and be Health…So it is With the Holy Spirit there are some Specific things we must continue to make the seed grow in us let talk about what we need to digest for the seed to grow!!! But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance there Nine fruit Here that is the Birthing point of The Living God in us… Now as I prepare to closed I have a Question that the True and Living God is Asking us Have we Aborting the seed that is in us…and have Some of us carry the Baby THE COMPROMISING THE GOSPEL Have we as believer of Jesus Christ, have we been seduce into a gospel that has no power and is contrary to everything that Jesus display when he was walking among us...So I ask some Christian what is the Gospel? and most people really did not know...Well when I dont understand something I go to the source(BIBLE) and see what the answer is so I went back to the beginning of Jesus Ministry to see what was the GOOD NEWS... and as I read the word and ponder the thought of what our savior was Teaching and Preaching and the First thing that I see is he took off the throne and put on Humility he came off his throne and became flesh so He could show what the King of God should Look like. He walk around with power teaching, Kingdom Principle… Love, Faith, Forgiveness, Compassion, Healing, There is the Number Five Grace…Have we forgot about God Grace for us and for our Brother and Sister… Jesus went through the region Displaying what Love, Faith, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing Look Like and He took twelve Disciple and He taught them so they in return would teach other the GOOD NEWS…So that this Good News will be teach for generations to generations not only taught with Lip service!!! but display in ACTION…Now some where we have drop the ball and we have pick up something’s that are not part of the Good News and we are teaching other with our action that have left a scare on the heart of The Living God people that have left people wonder is The Living God real? Let me pause right here, and say The living God is REAL, there are a lot of False god that have crept in among the Living God People and have given people a false Hope…And Now this has happen there has been a great falling away from the truth and we have started living any kind of way and treating people with NO LOVE…My Beloved Brother’s and Sister’s I plead with you NOW to Pick up your Bible and read it for your self and study to show thy self approve you do not need a degree to learn the word of THE LIVING God all you need is a heart that is surrender and the HOLY SPIRIT will come in and Lead and Guide you into All Truth…And it will correct and rebuke you in your heart when you are in error… Now I want to talk about the seed that is in each and everyone of us… When we have a seed of a apple tree and we want to plant it to produce a harvest we need some specific things to make it grow the seed by itself want grow unless it has dirt and a ground to grow in…So it is with a woman there are already seed for a baby to grow in the womb but with out the semen the seed just sit in the womb not produce anything…So it is with us the seed that is in each and everyone of us without the Holy Spirit the seed is just sitting in us not growing and produce nothing…It take Nine month for a baby to be born and if the baby is not feed it will not grow and be Health…So it is With the Holy Spirit there are some Specific things to continue to make the seed grow in us let talk about what we need to digest for the seed to grow!!! But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance there Nine fruit Here that is the Birthing point of The Living God in us… Now as I prepare to closed I have a Question that the True and Living God is Asking us? Have we Aborting the seed that is in us… And have Some of us carry the Baby so long in us... that it is still born in us... that has left us Spiritually Dead…Father if I have said anything that was not been approve by You May the Spirit Rebuke Me…In Jesus Mighty Name… THE VISION SETTING THE WORLD ON FIRE(ABLAZE) WITH LOVE AND BIBLICAL TRUTH,TEACHING AND PREACHING. THE KINGDOM OF GOD,(PRINCIPLE) WITH MEEKNESS AND HUMBLENESS, WITH A LOVE FOR GOD, AND A LOVE FOR GOD PEOPLE!!! I LOVE YOU... THE CRY IN THE WILDERNESS... THE GOSPEL
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:46:01 +0000

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