“THE CONTRADICTION OF LOVE” By T. R. C. Norris What is the - TopicsExpress


“THE CONTRADICTION OF LOVE” By T. R. C. Norris What is the most volatile force in the universe and simultaneously the most delicate? How is it that love’s characteristics that ensnare and captivate the soul, conversely bring about absolute liberation from the oppressive vexations of life? Who has not yielded to its alluring call? Yet none can aptly critique its magical essence. Without inception, ever present, oft discomfiting and inherently infinite … We are powerless to defy its onset, and equally inept at duplicating its visage … A heavenly gift gone awry? Preserving the sanity of one, while bringing another to confused dissolution. Elevating one from the depths of hell, only to send another plummeting to lunacy … Has such awesome omnipotence acquiesced to mere savage lust? Or perhaps, we could be examining two warring ideologies, so mortally inextricable that a deceitful imposter is usurping the sovereignty of an untapped storehouse of intimacy? Contradiction? … I think not! Such syllables scarcely depict the depravity … an overt conspiracy to pillage from every man, woman and child the supreme endowment of sanctified Love, proffered by the benevolent Deity of the universe! By God’s grace I can boldly proclaim without apology, I Love. Although superficially indistinguishable, the divergence between the genuine and the counterfeit becomes quickly and undeniably evident through its daily deportment. May God grant us each the discernment and will to immerse ourselves unreservedly in the authentic while shunning any trace of the fraudulent. This is my prayer for all of us who have experienced the joy of Christian Love! For by so doing, we shall achieve not only harmonious camaraderie in this life, but we shall become eternally bonded with the awesome God of our salvation!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:50:59 +0000

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